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Education 2020

By jvaars
  • Period: to


  • Teachers feel confident providing 21st Century Instruction

    Teachers feel confident providing 21st Century Instruction
    Teachers have the tools they need to shape public education to meet the needs of today's student and are excited to engage in the work. There is support and joy entering into this era.
  • Textbooks are obsolete

    Textbooks are obsolete
    E-books and on-line tools provdei resources students need to successfully complete collaborative learning activities.
  • Student Promotion based on Portfolio submission

    Student Promotion based on Portfolio submission
    Students present a portfolio of work that demonstrate standards completion to earn promotion to the next grade level.
  • Stakeholders have embraced 21st Century Education

    Stakeholders have embraced 21st Century Education
    There is an overwhelming surge across the country celebrating the success of CCSS for 21st Century public education. Student learning has increased as evidenced by portfolio presentations as students are invigorated and excited to attend school.
  • Review and plan action

    Review and plan action
    We are engaged in thoughtful, deep self-evaluation to determine what has been successful and which areas need more time and focus so we can reach our vision for students. The process of evaluating data, reflectng and planning intention steps for additional growth is essential for continued success.
  • Address the needs of Students

    Address the needs of Students
    Adults in my organization continue to adapt their practices to adjust to students in our ever-changing environment keeping student and their needs the focus of our work. We take calculated risks while improving on the work that has shown positive results for learning.