zhou dynasty

  • 221

    zhou dynasty art

    The Shang and Zhou eras traditionally comprise the Bronze Age of China, when bronze was used to make weapons, as well as ritual vessels, and played a significant role in the material culture of the time. During this era of Bronze Age art, the Zhou Dynasty maintained much of the ancient art of China - including the bronze casting of ceremonial vessels, and jade carving - and encouraged the growth of new visual arts likegoldsmithing and lacquerware, as well as calligraphy and its cousin Chinese pa
  • Period: 221 to Feb 20, 1046

    zhou dynasty

    The Zhou dynasty (c. 1046 - 221 BCE) lasted longer than any other dynasty in Chinese history. After overthrowing the Shang dynasty, the Zhou established a number of key traditions, including the importance of family and social order.
  • Period: 221 to Feb 18, 1046

    legacy of Zhou Dynasty

    Zhou consists of two parts, the East Zhou and the West Zhou. The East Zhou, consisting of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, was not stable. There were many states in China. A lot of great thinkers and philosophers appeared at that time.
    Confucius and Mencius were the most famous ones, who started the Confucianism and effected China for more than a thousand years
  • 334

    The rulers of Wei and Qi formalize the powerlessness of the Zhou throne

    After decades of fighting, the rulers of the states Wei and Qi agree to recognize each other as Kings, formalizing the independence of the states and the powerlessness of the Zhou throne since the beginning of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. This leads all the other states eventually declare their Kingship, signifying the beginning of the end of the Zhou Dynasty.
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    The Art of War

    Sun Tzu, a powerful military general and strategist, writes The Art of War based on his military experiences. His book becomes one of the most widely-read treatises on war during the subsequent Warring States period.
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    Confucius is born

    most influential philosophical teacher in Chinese history, is born. During the Warring States period, he founds Confucianism in an attempt to restore family order and social harmony.
  • Feb 17, 770

    zchou dived

    Zhou king lost control of some of his territories.
  • Apr 19, 770

    new capital at Luoyang

    the Zhou replace the Ji as the ruling clan and move their capital to Luoyang in 770 BCE. They arrange for Emperor Ping to rule the country, but as a mainly ceremonial figurehead. The Zhou control a much smaller territory
  • Feb 18, 771

    capital is attacked

    by a nomadic tribe called the Quanrong
  • Feb 23, 1000


    The Zhou Dynasty contributed a lot to literature. It was one of the first dynasties to start collecting books including some famous works such as Zhou Li (Zhou Rituals), which became a description of how the early Zhou government was organized and the conduct of a gentleman. Another famous work is the Book of Documents,
  • Feb 23, 1045

    the Mandate of Heaven

    The Zhou worshipped Heaven, a benevolent force that helps right triumph in human matters. The Zhou conquerors argued that the last Shang kings were corrupt and irresponsible and that Heaven therefore granted the Zhou the right to rule in their place. Thus was created the “Mandate of Heaven”, the idea that Heaven bestows on an honorable and noble leader the right to rule, an idea that was to remain prevalent throughout Chinese dynastic rule.
  • Feb 17, 1046

    the start

    Under the leadership of King Wu, the Zhou join with nearby tribes and overthrow the Shang dynasty, using the Mandate of Heaven to justify their power
  • Period: Feb 17, 1150 to Feb 17, 1153

    the war

    Before the whole Shang territory could be consolidated by the Zhou, a rebellion broke out. The fighting went on for three years before the rebellion was put down
  • Youwang (Ji Gongsheng

    he son of Xuanwang; he made fun of his seigneurs in order to make his concubine smile. The Western Zhou Dynasty was lost at last in his reign.
  • leaders

    Wu Zetian 660-705 2 Taiping Zhou 705-715
    3 Song Zhou 715-743
    4 Li Zhou 746-789
    5 Chen Zhou 789-815
    6 Zhu Zhou