Early Times in the United States

  • Revolutionary War Begins

    Revolutionary War Begins
    The governor of Massachusetts, Gen. Thomas Gage was ordered by King George III to send 700 British soldiers to seize the Colonial's military stores in Concord. This happened because the tension was building up between the colonies and British authorities.
  • British creates an Alliance with Colonial Slaves

    British creates an Alliance with Colonial Slaves
    Lord Dunmore of the British Government issued a proclimation stating slaves who left their owner's could join the British Army. Slaves did as so because they thought that it could bring them freedom. The british did this to build up their army.
  • Natives Who Thought Not.

    Natives Who Thought Not.
    The Continental Congress wanted tribes to fight for the colonists, but the program ended up getting dismissed because no tribes would fight for them.
  • Britsh Setback at Saratoga

    Britsh Setback at Saratoga
    John Burgoyne attempted to seperate the rebellious New England colonies from the further south. It failed and 6,000 british "regulars" causing an influence to France joining the American Side.
  • Charleston Falls to British

    Charleston Falls to British
    The British take Charleston, South Carolina from the Patriots and catches a huge army of theirs. The british did this so they were able to make sure war would stay in the south, resulting to british taking over New York, and now here as well.
  • Constitutional Convention

    Constitutional Convention
    A convention was held in Philidelphia to replace the Articles of Confederation with the Constitution. There still had to be many changes to it, but because of the ammendments, the Constitution is still used today. The Articles of Congress were replaced because it created a weak government that the United States did not like.
  • Russions and Hon Indians

    Russions and Hon Indians
    Hon Indians took Russians who built a block house on their river and held them captive and used them as slaves for two years before releasing them in Olympic Penninsula, Washington.
  • Nat Turner's Slave Rebellion

    Nat Turner's Slave Rebellion
    In South Hampton, Virginia, there was a slave rebellion that lasted two days. The rebellion was lead by Nat Turner and killed 55-65 white people. White militias organized retaliation, and killed 56 slaves who were accused of associating with the rebellion. 100-200 blacks were also killed by militias and mobs as payback. This rebellion was one of the reasons that laws were passed prohibiting education of slaves as well as free black people.
  • Dred and Harriet Scott Case

    Dred and Harriet Scott Case
    Dred and Harriet Scott were the first slaves to go to court and win their freedom. The case was based on the fact they were being enslaved on free territory at Fort Snelling. They had lost their first trial, but were finally granted freedom when they appealed in 1850.
  • The beginning of the Civil War

    The beginning of the Civil War
    P.G.T. Beauregard ordered confederates to open fire with 50 canyons on Fort Sumptor in Charleston, South Carolina because Beauregard wanted Major Anderson to surrendor the camp, but Anderson would not give in, so shots were ordered on the camp. Later U.S. Captain Doubleday ordered the first shots in defense of the fort a couple hours later. The civil war was declared.
  • Battle of Antietam Creek

    Battle of Antietam Creek
    Commander George McClellen ordered his army of the potomac to a series of mounted assults against R. Lee's forces at Antietam Creek. This battle was named the bloodiest single day in America. Federal forces were about to lose, but A.P. Hills devision helped push back the army of the Potomac for a final time.
  • Free at Last

    Free at Last
    Abriham Lincoln makes the Emancipation Proclimation for the southern states and territorieswho were rebelling against the government that frees the Confederate slaves during the Civil War. Lincoln did this because he was a moderate about slavery.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    General Lee thought moving moving the war north would be better so his army could fight in the open instead of waiting for the north to come and enclose on the soutth. The battle took place in Gettysburg, Pennisilvania. The casualties wer 22,815 poeple for the Union and 22,700 people for the Confederates.
  • The Batlle of Cold Harbor

    The Batlle of Cold Harbor
    General Grant was ready for a major assault on General Lee's flank and cut the Confederates off from Richmond, but the plan back fired when General Hancock's corps showed up. Grant had to wait til the next day for the assault but by then the Confederates had built deep long trenches. June 3rd, the union 2,6, and 18 were followed and slaughtered along the Bethesda church to the Cold Harbor line by the Confederate 5 and 9 corps.Grant later stated that this battle was his only regret.
  • Ammendment Abolished Slavery

    Ammendment Abolished Slavery
    Licoln himself brought the 13th Ammendment to the house in Washington D.C. when the bill was passed, slavery was officially ended for good.