Trafficking in the Mediterranean, since 20th Century

  • 1904 Treaty

    Paris. Suppression of "White Slave Traffic". The purpose of this agreement ratified by 26 states was to protect women, young and old, from being involved in "white slave traffic". Spain, France and Italy signed the treaty.
  • 1910 Treaty

    Paris. Renegotiation of 1904 treaty.
    It came into force on 5 July 1920.
    41 states ratified the 1910 treaty.
  • Morocco, Slavery abolished

  • Iraq, Slavery abolished

  • League of Nations, Slavery Convention

    Geneva. The objective of the Convention was to confirm and advance the suppression of slavery and the slave trade. The Suppression of "White Slave Traffic" was changed to "traffic in women and children". Two major studies were carried out in the West and in the East to find out the real status of trafficking in these areas.
  • Spain, 1926 Slavery Convention ratified

  • ILO, Forced Labour Convention

    Geneva. Its object and purpose is to suppress the use of forced labour in all its forms irrespective of the nature of the work or the sector of activity in which it may be performed. The Convention defines forced labour as "all work or service which is exacted from any person under the menace of any penalty and for which the said person has not offered himself voluntarily".
  • UN, UDHR about Slavery

    Paris. Article 4 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights declares slavery contrary to human rights. Of the then 58 members of the United Nations, 48 voted in favor, none against, eight abstained, and two did not vote.
  • Protocol of Lake Succes

    New York. It amended and updated both the 1904 and the 1910 treaties. Nowadays, 33 states have ratified the amending Protocol and the amended 1949 versions of the treaties have 54 state parties.
  • Egypt, Italy. 1926 Slavery Convention ratified.

  • Greece, Iraq, Israel and Turkey. 1926 Slavery Convention ratified.

  • UN, Supplementary Convention on the Abolition of Slavery

    Geneva. The Supplementary Convention on the Abolition of Slavery, the Slave Trade, and Institutions and Practices Similar to Slavery builds upon the 1926 Slavery Convention, which is still operative and which proposed to secure the abolition of slavery and of the slave trade, and the Forced Labour Convention of 1930, which banned forced or compulsory labour, by banning debt bondage, serfdom, child marriage, servile marriage, and child servitude.
  • Albania and Libya. 1926 Slavery Convention ratified.

  • ILO, Abolition of Forced Labour Convention

    Convention concerning the Abolition of Forced Labour cancels certain forms of forced labour still allowed under the Forced Labour Convention of 1930, such as punishment for strikes and as a punishment for holding certain political views. In order to implement the 1930 Forced Labour Convention and the 1957 Abolition of Forced Labour Convention, the Special Action Programme to Combat Forced Labour was set up.
  • Jordan, Morocco. 1926 Slavery Convention ratified.

  • Algeria, France. 1926 Slavery Convention ratified.

  • Malta, Tunisia. 1926 Slavery Convention ratified.

  • UN Women, World Conference of the International Women's Year.

    Mexico City. Prevention of the exploitation of women and girls. 133 governments participated, while 6,000 NGO representatives attended a parallel forum.
  • UN Women, World Conference of the United Nations Decade.

    Copenhaguen. Situation of migrant, refugee and displaced women is taken into consideration. Also, missing persons, explotation of the prostitution of others and traffic in persons. 145 Member States gathered for this conference.
  • UN Women, World Conference: Equality, Development and Peace

    Nairobi. Areas of special concern are stablished within the UN Women report. A new category appears within this conference: women victims of trafficking and involuntary prostitution.
  • Cyprus. 1926 Slavery Convention ratified.

  • Croatia. 1926 Slavery Convention ratified.

  • UN Women, Fourth World Conference on Women

    Beijing. The issue of trafficking of women was addressed. The concept of trafficking was further define. Actions to be taken were also developed: enforcing international conventions on trafficking and human slavery, addressing the factors that encourage trafficking, setting up effective law enforcement and institutions who would work to eliminate trafficking, and implementing programs including educational and rehabilitation institutions.
  • Serbia and Montenegro, 1926 Slavery Convention ratified.

  • Montenegro. 1926 Slavery Convention ratified.

  • Present

    Worldwide. Although slavery is now abolished de jure in all countries, de facto practices still continue today all around the world.