Early explorers

  • Period: 1434 to 1451

    CARTIER, JACQUES-sailed for france

  • 1492

    The first trip of Christopher columbus- saild for spain.

    His first trip to north america but thought he reached asia.
  • 1493

    Christopher columbus- sailed for spain

    His 2nd voyage across the atlantic
  • 1497

    Vasco da gama

    Vasco da gama
    in 1497 sailed all around africa all the way to india
    Winning the european race for a sea route to asia.
  • 1498

    Bartholomue Dias

    Bartholomue Dias
    in 1488 sailed from portugal southward made it to the bottom of africa and called it the cape of good hope.
  • 1498

    Christopher columbus- sailed for spain

    His third voyage across the atlantic
  • Period: 1498 to 1500

    John Cabot-sailed for italy

  • 1499

    Amerigo Vespucci-sailed for spain

    Amerigo Vespucci-sailed for spain
    Sailed along the coast of south america he took such good notes so he decided it wasnt asia and named america in his honor.
  • 1500

    Pedro alavres cabral

    Pedro alavres cabral
    He said for portugal
  • 1502

    Christopher columbus- sailed for spain

    4th Voyage
  • 1513

    Juan ponce de leon- Sailed for spain

    Juan ponce de leon- Sailed for spain
    Ecplored looking for the fountain of youth and finds present day florida.
  • 1519

    Hernando Cortes- Sailed for spain

    Hernando Cortes- Sailed for spain
    Conquered the aztec
  • Period: 1520 to 1522

    ferdnand megellian- sailed for spain

    first europian to travel the globe.
  • 1524

    VERRAZZANO, GIOVANNI DA- sailed for france

    VERRAZZANO, GIOVANNI DA- sailed for france
  • Period: 1528 to 1536

    alvar nunez cabeza de vaca- sailed for spain

    Looked for the seven cities of gold.
  • 1532

    Franciso Pizarro- Sailed for spain

    Franciso Pizarro- Sailed for spain
    Explored the andes mountains of south america.
  • Period: 1539 to 1542

    Hernando de soto-sailed for spain

    Explored florida and north carolina
  • Period: 1540 to 1542

    Francisco vasquez de coronado-sailed for spain

    Discovered grand canyon.
  • 1542

    Juan Cabrillo sailed for spain

    Juan Cabrillo sailed for spain
    First spanish explorer to reach cali.
  • Henry Hudson- Sailed for england

    Henry Hudson- Sailed for england
  • Period: to

    Henry Hudson- Sailed for england


  • LA SALLE, ROBER- sailed for france

    LA SALLE, ROBER- sailed for france