Early Childhood Education History Timeline

By as23
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    John Comenius

    Comenius wrote the first picture book for children, "Orbis Pictus." He thought that early experiences formed what a child woudl become. He felt education should be begun at a very early stage so that the mind could be molded. He thought that sensory education formed all types of learning. He felt that a child able to explore learning through the senses would learn more.
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    John Locke

    Best known for his theory that children's minds start as a blank tablet. He believed that experiences and the environment form the mind and that these set the foundation for learning.
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    Johann Pestalozzi

    Theorized that education is based on impressions made through the senses. Thought with the right sensory experiences children achieve natural potential. Believed that mothers were the best teachers for children.
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    Friedrich Froebel

    Was known as the "father of the kindergarten". He developed the institution of kindergarten "a “garden” where children would learn and grow in a nurturing enviornment." (Goesel) He believed teachers there to observe and provide activites to help them learn what they are ready to learn. Believed in child directed play learning.
    Goesel, T. (2015, April 21). Rediscovering Kindergarten. Retrieved March 13, 2016, from www.communityplaythings.com/resources/articles/2015/rediscovering-kindergarten
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    Maria Montessori

    Developed the Montessori method for early childhood education. Believed all knowledge comes from sensory experiences and learning materials need to meer the needs of the child.
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    Jean Piaget

    Helped to develop the constructivist approach to learning. Believed children construct knowledge through organization, repetition, social interactions, and problem solving. Also developed the stages of intellectual development.
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    Lev Vygotsky

    Developed the sociocultural to show importance of interpersonal relationships in social and cognitive development. Thought children can learn more with a more competent person. Believed scaffolding can occur from communication between a teacher and a child.
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    Erik Erikson

    Concluded that life is made up of 8 stages each representing a period of social development. Discovered cognitive development works together with social development and created psychosocial development. Parent and teacher interaction with child helps determine the cognitive and emotional development of the child.
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    Abraham Maslow

    Developed the theory of self-acualization. Decided that human development is a process of basic needs being meet throughout life.
  • Howard Gardner

    Developed the theory of multiple intelligences and decided intelligence consists of 9 abilities. The nine intelligences are visual/spatial, verbal/linguistic, mathematical/logical, bodily/kinesthetic, musical/rhythmic, intrapersonal, interpersonal, naturalist, and existentialist.