
  • Birth

    Drake was born in Toronto, Canada.
  • Stereogum Q&A

    A wirtten interview about Drake and his new album 'Take Care'. Drake speaks about his music telling a story for his fans. He wants this new album to be very succsessful, he wants people to be listening to it longer than most albums. Drake is very succesful in the music industry and loves to make music for his fans. Many of his songs are very relatable to almost everyone, which I find very different from many other rappers.
  • Photo

    Photo of Drake. This photo was posted in the interview of his album Take Care. This photo makes me think of Drake in a deeper way, this photo shows he is probably thinking about something, good or bad. He is a very succesful and happy person so I believe that he is thinking about his new album. This photo also shows how wealthy Drake is. http://cdn.stereogum.com/files/2011/11/takecarePRESSx02web.jpg
  • The Drake Effect

    Drake is very succesful in the music industry. He has sold 4.5 million albums in less than four years! He has won a grammy for best rap album (Take Care). Drake likes to stay away from reading positive/ negative comments about himself online. All of this shows that Drake is very wealthy and succesful, at a very young age. Also, it shows that Drake would rather focus on his music rather than what other people think of him.
  • Drake is not lonely or emotional

    Drakes music ranges from a classic rap to a more relaxing and calm song. This shows how talented Drake is that he is capable of producing such different music. In this video he clears up that despite the music he produces, he is not in any way lonely or emotional, he is a very happy person. Drake makes music soley for driving at night. I love the slow and not so crazy music that Drake creates because it shows his calm and sweet side. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gTeZj19pAYE
  • Sued over dropped concerts in Chicago

    Drake was sued for dropping multiple concerts in Chicago. This was very shocking to me because he is very commited to his carrer, and I could never picture Drake doing something like this. This event could have made fans think twice about Drake and maybe even loose intrest. Despite this conflict, I still think of Drake the same, and love his music, but I was very disapointed in how he reacted towards this.