The cold war

Donnici is the bomb

  • World War II ends

    World War II ends
    The war fist ended in Europe on May 8 1945 when Hitler killed himself and the Germans surrendered. However, the war was not over in Asia. Finally, the American government dropeed atomic bombs on the Japanese cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the Japanese surrendered officially ending World War II. Though Canda was not involved with the bombing they were liberating Holland at the end of the war in Europe.
  • United Nations is created

    United Nations is created
    The UN was once attempted before known as the League of Nations but failed once World War II errupted. The United Nations started once 26 nations agreed to keep peace. Canada plays a leading role of a peace keeper until this day for the UN.
  • Communist take control of China

    China's rule under an emperor came to an end after a fourteen year revolution. The revolution ended with China as a new Communist country, lead by Chairman Mao Zedong. Canada was not involved in the revolution. That being said, China becoming Communist did affect the Korean War, which Canada was a participant in,
  • NATO Creation

    NATO Creation
    NATO stands for the North Alantic Treaty Organization. It was the Democratic side of the Cold War, which Canada was a part of. It's goal was to completely stop the spread of Communism.
  • The Korean War

    The Korean War
    The Korean War had three years of intense fighting. It was a battle of wills between the Northern Communist side and the Southern Democratic side. Canada fought for the South side with the UN. This was significant for Canada because never before had it been fully stated that Canada would physically fight for the UN's goals until now.
  • Creation of the WARSAW Pact

    Creation of the WARSAW Pact
    The WARSAW pact was an alliance of pro-Communist countries. It was made as a counteraction to NATO, which Canada was a member of. The pact lasted until 1991 when the Soviet Union dissolved.
  • The Vietnam War

    The Vietnam War
    The Vietnam War was a 19 year war where the North side was Communist and the South side was Democratic. Canada, just like in World War II, practiced their policy of being the Arsenal of Democracy, and only supplying the American army in Vietnam with weapons, yet not actually fighting themselves. This was an unfortunate role for Canada because the Americans did not end up winning the war.
  • Lester Pearson diffuses the Suez Crisis

    Lester Pearson diffuses the Suez Crisis
    The Suez Crisis was a threat to a massive war in the Middle East. It shattered the unity of the Western Alliance, divided the Commonwealth, and undermined the United Nations. While other countries were eager to go to war over this, Canada's Foreign Minister Lester Pearson created the first ever peacekeeping force for the UN, which made the UN's actual goals a reality. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for this in 1957.
  • Berlin Wall is built

    Berlin Wall is built
    The Berlin Wall divided East and West Berlin. It was built by the Soviets in order to keep control of East Berlin. The wall was the symbol of the Cold War, and was called "The Iron Curtain." Canada helped give supplies to West Berlin so that they had the necessities to live.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    When the USA was spying on Cuba, they saw that the Soviets were storing missiles there. They were afraid of nuclear war and so they put up a naval blockade to defend themselves. For a while the Soviets didn't retreat, until eventually they were forced to back off. Canada supported the USA but did not get involved.
  • USSR invades Afghanistan

    USSR invades Afghanistan
    Afghanistan was under a leader who was in favour of turning the country Communist towards the end of the 1970s. A lot of religious people in the country did not like this. Russia assassinated the leader and attempted to gain rule of the country. They were not successful. Canada was not involved in this.
  • Berlin Wall goes down

    Berlin Wall goes down
    The Berlin Wall was torn down after it became obvious that the Soviet Union would fail. The efforts of NATO were recognized as successful, and of course Canada was a big part of this. The Berlin Wall falling was the ending of the Cold War.