

  • Rules of Heredity

    Rules of Heredity
    Gregor Mendel does seveal experements and uses his data to determine the rules of heredity.
  • Nuclein is Discovered

    Nuclein is Discovered
    Miescher discovers a substance he dubs "nuclein" in pus
  • Double Helix is proposed

    Double Helix is proposed
    William Atsbury hypothesizes that DNA has a double helix structure
  • DNA is linked with traits

    DNA is linked with traits
    Oswald Avery uses experements with mice to prove that DNA controls the traits of bacteria
  • Genetic code is rethought

    Genetic code is rethought
    It is shown by Chargaff that A=T=G=C is not true, rather A=T and G=C. This is known as Chargaff's rule
  • DNA is hereditary

    DNA is hereditary
    Hershey and Chase use viruses in multiple mother-daughter bacteria to prove that they have similar or same genetic makeups.
  • How dna reproduces and how to read it

    How dna reproduces and how to read it
    Watson and Crick's lab team uses new technology to observe DNA reproducing
  • Bacteria produce human insulin

    Bacteria produce human insulin
    Genetech completes the first ever genetic engeneering
  • Calegen makes frist geneticly engineered crop

    Calegen makes frist geneticly engineered crop
    A tomato with longer shelf life is made.
  • The first mammal is cloned

    The first mammal is cloned
    Dolly the sheep becomes the first mammal ever cloned