
Discoveries in 1900 to 1910

By mashal
  • The modern escalator

    The modern escalator
    Charles Seeberger redesigned Jesse Reno's escalator and invented the modern escalator.
  • Zeppelin

    •The zeppelin was invented by Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin.
  • Compact and modern vacuum cleaner

    Compact and modern vacuum cleaner
    Hubert Booth invented a compact and modern vacuum cleaner
  • The air conditioner

    The air conditioner
    Willis Carrier invented the air conditioner.
  • The first teddy

    The first teddy
    Morris Michtom invented the first teddy bear.
  • Crayola crayons

    Crayola crayons
    Edwin Binney and C. Harold Smith inveented thefirst crayons
  • The first gas powered and manned airplane.

    The first gas powered and manned airplane.
    The wright brothers invented the first airplane.
  • Vacuum diode

    Vacuum diode
    John A Fleming invented a vacuum diode or Fleming valve.
  • Icecream cones

    Icecream cones
    Italo Marchioni discovered the first icecream cones.
  • Kellogs cornflakes

    Kellogs cornflakes
    William Kellogg invented Cornflakes.
  • First radio broadcast

    First radio broadcast
    Reginald Fessenden made the first radio broadcast, including a musical recording, a violin solo, and readings, from Brant Rock, Massachusetts.
  • Coffee filter

    Coffee filter
    On June 20th, 1908, the coffee filter and filter paper were patented by Mellita Bentz.
  • First neon lamp

    First neon lamp
    Georges Claude displayed the first neon lamp to the public on December 11, 1910, in Paris.