Jalen Harris Devlopment Timeline

By JDH75
  • I was born

    I was born
  • Infancy: Emotional Development

    My temperament as a baby was easygoing and content.
  • Infancy: Physical Development

    Infancy: Physical Development
    I started walking at 10 months.
  • Infancy: Emotional Development

    I was securely attached to my grandmother, I would follow here around everywhere and cry when I could not.
  • Infancy: Cognitive Development

    I showed Piaget's Sensorimotor development when I used to play with toys then i would take them apart to see how they worked, my mom used just say i broke them.
  • Early Childhood: Cognitive Development

    As a child i played with trucks and cars and this does fit the research on children's formation and categorization.
  • Early Childhood: Physical Development

    I was very active as a child, I played outside everyday and enjoyed it.
  • Early Childhood: Emotional Development

    Early Childhood: Emotional Development
    As a child my temperament was very sensitive to noise and preferred to play alone.
  • Early Childhood: Cognitive Development

    I showed Piaget's preoperational development when I understood death and I would bury the dead insects and put flowers over them.
  • Early Childhood: Physical Development

    I used Gross motor skills of moving my legs as I ran around the yard playing.
  • Adolecense: Physical Devlopment

    Adolecense: Physical Devlopment
    I went through puberty on time in my opinion, I was around 13 years old.
  • Adolescence: Cognitive Development

    I showed Pigets's concrete Operational development stage when i could have conversation and give facts about things I learned.
  • Adolescence: Physical Development

    I was very active during adolescence as I was playing football workouts everyday. This when I first started to feel like physical activity was a chore and all i wanted to do was sleep.
  • Adolescence: Emotional Devlopment

    Sternberg would describe my most intimate relationship as passion.
  • Adolescense: Physical Development

    I used gross motor skills as i had to lift weight with my arms and fine motor skills as I squeezed my hand to grab a person while playing football.
  • Early Adulthood: Emotional Development

    My closet relationship is with my sister and I'm insecurely attached, as she lives in another state and I'm fine with that.
  • Early Adulthood: Physical Development

    Now I find myself way less active. On a good week i workout 2-3 times, but I do try to walk to school everyday which is about half a mile. Being active now just is not at the top of my priorities with so much of my time being taking up with school.
  • Early Adulthood: Emotional Devlopment

    Sternberg would describe my most intimate relationship now as Commitment.
  • Early Aduthood: Physical Development

    I use gross motor skills as I jog for my physical activity