Top 188 latest and modern hindu baby girl names

Developmental Milestones

  • 2 months

    2 months
    1. Begins to smile at people
    2. Begins to act bored
    3. Making smoother moves with arms and legs
    4. Head turns toward sounds
  • 4 months

    4 months
    1. Likes to play with people and gets upset when stops
    2. Begins to Babble 3.Reaches for toy with one hand
    3. Brings hands to mouth
  • 6 months

    6 months
    1. Likes to look at self in mirror
    2. Responds to own name
    3. Begins to pas things from one hand to another
    4. Begins to sit without support
  • 9 months

    9 months
    1. May be afraid of strangers
    2. Understands the word "no"
    3. Plays peek-a-boo
    4. pulls to stand
  • 1 year

    1 year
    1. Cries when mom and dad leaves
    2. Tries to say words you can
    3. Bangs two things together
    4. May stand alone
  • 18 month old

    18 month old
    1. May have temper tantrums
    2. Says and shakes head "no"
    3. Scribbles on his own
    4. Drinks from a cup
  • 24 months

    24 months
    1. Gets excited when with other children
    2. Repeats words overhead in conversation
    3. Builds towers of 4 more blocks
    4. Kicks a ball
  • 3 years

    3 years
    1. Dresses and undresses self
    2. Names a friend
    3. Copies a circle with pencil or crayon 4.Pedals a tricycle
  • 4 years

    4 years
    1. Plays Mom and Dad
    2. Tells Stories
    3. Uses scissors
    4. Catches a bounced ball most of the time
  • 5 years

    5 years
    1. Is aware of gender
    2. Speaks very clearly
    3. Can print some letter or numbers
    4. Uses a fork and spoon sometimes a table knife