Democracy in Mexico

  • Federal Constitution of the United Mexican States of 1824

    Federal Constitution of the United Mexican States of 1824
    This constitution states that Mexico back then was a Federal Republic. This is considered the first official constitution of Mexico. On December 29, 1835 interim president José Justo Corro issued the Seven Constitutional Laws which replaced the Constitution.
  • Mexican Revolution

    Mexican Revolution
    The Mexican Revolution that radically transformed Mexican culture and government. Its outbreak in 1910 resulted from the failure of the 35-year long regime of Porfirio Díaz to find a managed solution to the presidential succession, it lasted 10 years.
  • Porfiriato Starts

    Porfiriato Starts
    1910-1920 - Mexican Revolution ends the Porfirio Diaz dictatorship and leads to establishment of a constitutional republic.
  • Porfirio Diaz Overthrown

    Porfirio Diaz Overthrown
    Mexico's dictator, Porfirio Diaz, is overthrown. The new president is Francisco Madero, a liberal. Madero introduces land reform and labour legislation. Political unrest continues with Zapata leading a peasant revolt in the south.
  • Political Constitution of the United Mexican States

    Political Constitution of the United Mexican States
    This constitution is considered the third official constitution of Mexico. This constitution replaced the Constitution of 1857 as a result of the Mexican Revolution. This constitution has been amended numerous times. It is the longest-lasting constitution of Mexico. This constitution was made in 1917 and is still being used.
  • PRI

    The National Revolutionary Party is formed. In 1946 it is re-named the Institutional Revolutionary Party, or PRI.
  • Tlatelolco

    Student demonstration in Tlatelolco, Mexico City, during the Olympic Games is fired upon by Mexican security forces. Hundreds of protestors are killed or wounded. The extent of the violence shocks the country.
  • Ernesto Zedillo

    Ernesto Zedillo
    Presidential elections won by PRI candidate Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de Leon, after the previous candidate, Luis Donaldo Colosio, was murdered. The stock market plunges in December, the peso loses a third of its value.
  • Chiapas Rebellion

    Chiapas Rebellion
    A guerrilla rebellion in Chiapas by the Zapatista National Liberation Army is brutally suppressed by government troops. The rebels oppose Nafta and want greater recognition for Indian rights. The government recognizes the Zapatista National Liberation Front (EZLN).
  • PRI Loses its mayority

    PRI Loses its mayority
    The PRI suffers heavy losses in elections and loses its overall majority in the lower house of parliament for the first time since 1929.
  • Vicente Fox

    Vicente Fox
    Vicente Fox of the opposition Alliance for Change wins presidential elections, the first opposition candidate ever to do so. Parliamentary elections see the Alliance for Change emerge as the strongest party, beating the PRI by just over 1%.
  • Uncovered Past

    Uncovered Past
    Millions of secret security files are released, shedding light on the torture and killing by security forces of hundreds of political activists in the 1960s and 1970s. President Fox says his government is not afraid to pursue prosecutions.
  • Felipe Calederon wins elections

    Felipe Calederon wins elections
    2006 July - Conservative candidate Felipe Calderon is declared the winner of presidential elections with a razor-thin majority over his leftist rival, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, who challenges the result with mass street protests. The Federal Electoral Tribunal confirms Mr Calderon's win in September.
  • Peña wins elections

    Peña wins elections
    The Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) candidate Enrique Pena Nieto wins presidential election.