
DCUSH 1st Timeline

  • 1100

    Dark Ages

    Dark Ages
    Time period in Europe after the collapse of the Roman Empire. Drastic economic, political and social setback. Struggles between barbarians, Vikings messed up peace of common men. Difficult for peasants and lower class people. Not much written history on this, Christianity evolved as a strong religious movement that tried to bring people together. Everyone contributed to the common welfare and was protected. Feudalism set political and military customs. Created cate system that did not give commo
  • 1400

    The Black Death

    The Black Death
    Ships arriving after a long trip through the black sea, when arrived most of the sailors were dead and those alive were greatly ill. Started to spread and over 35 million people died. The economy had gone down, the work force has been destroyed, farms abandoned and buildings were crumbled. The plague spread by fat flees carried on the back of black rats.
  • 1439

    Printing Press

    Printing Press
    This machine was used by applying pressure to a inked surface, as the ink transferred from the machine to the paper. Before is was harder to print because it had to be handmade any copy you had to make. This machine was invented in the Holy Roman Empire by German Johannes Gutenberg. By 1500 this machine had already produced more than 20 million. The printing press could produce more than 250 sheets in one hour.
  • 1492

    Exploration/Christopher Columbus

    Exploration/Christopher Columbus
    Since young he went Portugal &' got involved in the map making with his brother. This made him a rich man, and soon a well known person. He was the 1st governor of the indies, and got redirected from admiral of the ocean sea. Many believed at the time that the world was round but he knew it wasn't, it was round. But he also believed he could find a faster route to Asia by going west. He received help from Spanish crown. But failed and landed in the New World which he later went back 3 more times
  • 1500

    The Renaissance

    The Renaissance
    The technology set up European artifacts such as the printing press, linear perspective on drawing, patent law. ' Renaissance ' stands for ' rebirth ' in France, much of this art is the revival of classical art. Realism just emphases things being more realistic and people doing everyday things. Leonardo DaVinci was the greatest knows artist at the time. Michelangelo also was one of the greatest at the time, the printing press helped print things faster and books got cheaper.
  • Period: 1500 to

    Beginnings To Exploration

  • 1535


    John Calvin believed that even before you were born God/Jesus himself had already picked your destination for you. Although you're in this world without him telling you what to do he still made you and has a reason fro you to be here. If he meant for you to be a bad citizen in this world &' that's what you'll be. He already picked whether you'll be attending heaven or hell in the future when your time is over.
  • 1550

    Columbian Exchange

    Columbian Exchange
    This was a famous exchange between the ' New World ' &' the ' Old World '. The ' New World ' Provided Sweet Potatoes, squash pumpkins peppers, turkeys, tobacco, pineapples, peanuts, cacao beans, tomatoes, corn, vanilla to the ' Old World '. While they provided Onions, olives, citrus fruits, grapes, coffee beans, bananas, sugar cane, peaches, pears, wheat, rice, oats, cattle, sheep, pigs, horses and multiple diseases.
  • Bering Land Bridge

    Bering Land Bridge
    A bridge connecting Asia &' North America. It was 1,000 miles long but it was destroyed after the ice age. The first wave included the Jamestown established in 1607 by the English, Africans forced relocations and were mostly brought from southern colonies. The second wave, about 1.5 million Germans migrated to Midwest. Irish Flee Potato Famine. Third wave, over 25 million immigrants arrive over 1880 and 1920. They were mostly Catholics and they used ignorance of immigrants to buy votes.
  • Chesapeake Colonies/Virginia

    Chesapeake Colonies/Virginia
    Virginia started growing tobacco and became wealthy this caused Maryland and the Carolinas to follow their steps. Here is where the first successful colony happened, Jamestown. John Smith was an adventurer, he spend 30 months there and returned to England. The Headright System was that any new settler that went to start a new life would receive 50 acres of land. They had indentured servants until the 1700 is when slaves started to be inported.
  • Period: to

    English Colonial Societies

  • Navigation Acts

    Navigation Acts
    The Navigation Acts limited use in all foreign ships between Britain and it's colonies. It lasted for about 200 years, but it became a form of protectionism. This was basically so the benefits of trade could stay inside the empire and minimize the loss of gold and silver to other people. They prohibited them to trade directly with Netherlands, Spain, France and their own colonies.
  • Pennsylvania

    William Penn was a dreamer, Charles the 2nd owed his dad a huge debt. But he decided to repay him a huge amount of land from the New World. He thought about people his kind, the Quakers, who suffered persecution in England. They would never pay taxes nor fight on any way with England. William Penn was a English real estate entrepreneur, philosopher, early Quaker and founder of the Province of Pennsylvania, the English North American colony and the future Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.He supporte
  • Glorious Revolution

    Glorious Revolution
    Ultimately Established supremacy of parliament over the British monarch and it opposed to a catholic succession. But it replaced the reigning king, James 2nd. The events in this revolution was bloodless and it set path to a constitutional monarchy. William and Mary ruled in place of James for being protestants and James lacking skills. The English bill or rights embodied terms of parliament's offer to William to rule as one. All these new laws passed created less violence.
  • Salem Witch Trials

    Salem Witch Trials
    The Salem Witch Trials were murders of mostly woman, who were accused of witches between February 1692 and May 1693. Twenty people died, fourteen of them being woman and all but one by hanging. Five others including 2 infants died in prison. Twelve other had already died in Massachusetts.
  • Act Of Union (1707)

    Act Of Union (1707)
    This was a peace treaty between England and Scotland, several attempts have been made before but failed. This one stayed on for long and actually worked. This Act of Union brought countries together that were for the most part similar and had the same ideas. They made trading goods free, politics easier to settle and more inventions to come. As the Historian Simon Schama said "What began as a hostile merger, would end in a full partnership in the most powerful going concern in the world ".
  • Triangular Trade

    Triangular Trade
    This was a form of trade used in the 1700s, between Africa, Central America &' The 13 Colonies. When drawn out on the map they make a triangle, this made it way easier for ships to travel since they travelled with the " trade winds ". Everything was traded here from potatoes to sugar even slaves were transported in big numbers, most of them died.
  • Period: to

    Colonial America

  • Caribbean Colonies

    Caribbean Colonies
    Sugar was grown in the Caribbean Colonies, it was their main crop or money crop from the 18th - 20th centuries. All of the islands were covered in sugar canes and mills to refine them. These plantations made up 80 to 90 percent of sugar consumed. Barbados, Jamaica is knows as the West Indies, they were colonies of the UK.
  • The Great Awakening

    The Great Awakening
    This movement woke people up and came up with new ideas, this helped make advancements in everything. This increased evangelical church, and gave listeners a sense of personal guilt. It brought Christianity to African-American slaved and it established Authority. George Whitefield was one of the founders of Methodism and evangelical movement. Samuel Davis was a preacher in british who defended religion dissent and lead the awakening.
  • Frech and Indian War

    Frech and Indian War
    The war was fought in North America with the result being a British victory as well as the Treaty of Paris. It lasted 7 years, from 1754 - 1762. The French North American Colonies had a population of 60,000 settlers, while the British had 2 million. It became with a dispute over control of the Allegheny and Monongahela Rivers.
  • Colonial Economies

    Colonial Economies
    At this time new England was primarily a farming and fishing community. Not much farming since the soil was not as rich in minerals and they had no slaves. In the MId-Atlantic was a mix of a fairly large amount of farming that used slaves and indentured servants as workers. Also manufacturing was in this section. Meanwhile in the upper and lower south, the upper south was selling slaves to the lower side and this weakened the institution but also made a more diverse economy for farmers.
  • The Enlightenment

    The Enlightenment
    This was an intellectual movement that dominated the world of ideas. It made colonies more advanced in liberty, progress, tolerance, fraternity, constitutional and separation of church and state. Georgia was the last to be created 126 years after Jamestown was created. John Locke was a philosopher &' his ideas contributed greatly. Benjamin Franklin developments came with his self-education and reading on other philosophers. Sir Isaac Newton created calculus and also the laws of motion.
  • Slavery

    The middle passage was a trade lane in the triangular trade where slaves were traded to the new world. The Atlantic slave trade took route across the Atlantic ocean. They were used less in the upper south, states like Virginia, Tennessee, unlike in the lower south they depended on then to grow crops and were used a lot outside on the fields. But slaves often also got mad and started rebellions, like Nat Turners Rebellion who got together with other slaves and killed 60 white men. on AUG 21.
  • Britain Economy After War

    Britain Economy After War
    The French and Indian War ended in 1763, after this the economy in Great Britain was not so great. Even though the war ended as a win for Britain it cost them a lot to win. They had a national debt of more than 122 million pounds, with was enormous at the time. Just the interest it self on the debt was more than 4.4 million pounds a year. There was really no way they could work to pay off and keep order in America. This is was started acts like the Sugar Act, The Stamp Act as well as others.
  • Period: to

    The Revolutionary Era

  • Acts Of Parliament

    Acts Of Parliament
    After the French and Indian war Britain had a large debt, they started acts like the sugar act a year after the war, 1764. They taxed sugar, they also reduced the rate by half and increased measures to enforce taxes hoping it would actually be collected. The Stamp Act taxed all the paper that had a stamp on it when produced in London. This included newspaper and every paper made. The Townshend acts 1767 taxed things like tea, paint, lead. All of this ended in the Boston Massacre in 1770.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    The Boston Massacre on March 5th, 1770 between a mob of colonist that were throwing stones to British soldiers. Paul Revere heavy publicized this event, he went around yelling to other colonies " The British are coming ! ". But also he made the drawing that is attached, most people agreed that the people were not just neutral as seen in the drawing, they were throwing things at the British. No taxation without representation is basically they cant tax them without then representing any votes.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    This event occurred in May 10, 1773, when the sons of liberty dressed up as Native Americans and only had one mission. To destroy an entire shipment of tea sent by the East India Company which had 342 chests on board. All of this happened because they were tired of being taxed way too much after the Stamp Act, Townshend Act, Sugar Act and many more. But not only did they dress up as Indians, its said that they were drunk while they made this decision and drunk while doing it.
  • Virtual Representation

    Virtual Representation
    Salutary Neglect is a term used in history that refers to the British crown policy of avoiding strict enforcement of laws meant to keep American colonies under the control of England. Virtual representation is that everyone in the parliament should get a voice when speaking for the interests for all British subjects not just for the interests of the district that elected them.
  • The Declaration Of Independence

    The Declaration Of Independence
    Conflicts between the the American Colonists and the British Soldiers were rising since April 1775, by the summer the revolutionary war had begun. Thomas Jefferson was the man that wrote the rough draft of the constitution, included 86 changes made by the founding fathers. They officially did not sign it till august 2nd, but July 4th was the day written on the declaration.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Battle of Saratoga
    This battle is the climax or the changing point at the time, this was a win for the American over the British, the British was marching hoping to find another mock of British but found himself trapped with Americans surrounding him. John Burgoyne surrendered his whole army. The American win convinced the French government to recognize the colonies cause and enter the war as their ally.
  • Articles of Confederation

    Articles of Confederation
    Some of the problems with the articles of confederation were that they had no independent judiciary, they were unable to deal with internal and even external threats. Larger states were mad that they only got one vote like the rest of them, they believed they should have more since the state was bigger. Also, they had a hard time passing laws. During the revolutionary war, the us being the articles of confederation had the first national debt of $75 million dollars.
  • Treaty Of Paris - 1783

    Treaty Of Paris - 1783
    This treaty was signed by King George the 2nd and ended the American Revolutionary War. It set boundaries between the British Empire and North America. It was basically a peace agreement that made British acknowledges the United States to be free and have free states. The US could fish off the coast of Newfoundland. Prisoners of war from both sides had to be released, they are both given perpetual access to the Mississippi river.
  • Period: to

    The Constitution

  • Iron Plow

    Iron Plow
    The iron plow was made in Scotland by a man called James Small. The iron plow has been around since 1720 but it was made out of wood instead of iron moldings. The way it was used it was simply to scratch the dirt and leave space for the seeds, people would tie horses to this and make them pull it across, other people in the modern times pulled it using tractors.
  • Shay's Rebellion

    Shay's Rebellion
    This occurred in central and western Massachusetts and is named after Daniel shays. He lead the rebels because they ere mad about taxes and their debt, but they scared to go to jail and having their homes taken away. Over 1000 people were arrested, for being armed. They started by trying to capture the federal arsenal at Springfield and harassed leading merchants, lawyers, and supporters of the state government.
  • The Great Debate

    The Great Debate
    There was 2 sides to this debate, the federalist and the anti-federalist. the federalist tried to ratify the constitution. Federalist felt like this was not necessary, because the constitution was just to limit the government not for the people. The anti-federalist claimed that it gave the central government too much power and without the bill of rights the people would be at risk of oppression.
  • Virginia Plan

    Virginia Plan
    It was a proposal by the delegates in Virginia for a bicameral legislative branch. The plan was drafted by James Madison, while he waited for others to assemble at the constitutional convention of 1787. Similar plans like this also went around, for example the New Jersey Plan. It was a response to the Virginia Act, but it was a proposal for the structure of the US. But they agreed of giving the state more votes according to their population.
  • The Northwest Ordinance

    The Northwest Ordinance
    This was an act of congress of the confederation of the united stated passed in July 1787. It created the northwest territory, the first territory by the US, it gave them lands beyond the Appalachian mountains, between British north America and the great lakes to the north and the Ohio river to the south. Almost 3 to 5 new states were created in this territory. These new lands did not allow slavery.
  • Steam Boats

    Steam Boats
    Multiple changes to move around were made during the mid 1800s. One of them is the steam boat made by John Fitch. He successfully made a trip on the Delaware river. He built 4 different steam boats, while they all used multiple propulsive forces and paddle wheels. later he was unable to justify the economic benefits and then Robert Fulton who built the Submarine before turning it into a steamboat got the honor.
  • Massachusetts Convention

    Massachusetts Convention
    The U.S Constitution Gave America fundamental laws and basic rights to its citizens. One person from each state voted and approved the document on June 15th, 1780.but it did not become effective till October 25th, 1780. This happened in Boston, 370 delegates were elected, but when the final vote was submitted only 355 submitted their vote.
  • Election Of 1788

    Election Of 1788
    This was the first precedential election. It was help Monday December 15, 1788 to January 10, 1789. Surprisingly George Washington was unanimously elected for the first of his 2 terms and John Adams became the first Vice President. George Washington had 69 electoral votes, 10 carried states and had over 40,000 popular votes. As a president he was very popular and was the first and last president to lead the army, in a win over the british.
  • Three Branches

    Three Branches
    These three branches conclude of the Legislative, Executive and the Judicial branch. The Legislative branch includes the Senete that has 2 senators per state; 100 in total, and the house of representatives that has 435 each state having some according to their size. The Executive branch includes the president, vice president and the cabin. The judicial branch was added with the constitution and it was the supreme court as long as other federal courts.
  • Period: to

    The New Republic

  • Whisky Rebellion

    Whisky Rebellion
    this a revolt in Pennsylvania, during the presidency of George Washington and it was meant to pay for the war that had just happened. they used violence to stop this tax on a whiskey. more than 500 armed men attacked the home of general john Neville, the tax inspector. but 20 men were arrested. this was also a test for the new constitution.
  • The Bill of Rights

    The Bill of Rights
    Is a part of the US constitution, includes the first 10 amendments. They were proposed after 1787-1788 battle over the US Constitution. They were written by James Madison, and they list specific prohibitions on governmental power. The house approved 17 amendments. The senate approved 12, the state only approved 10. Some of the amendments include freedom of speech, right to bear arms, no soldier is able to stay in your house, protect against unreasonable searches.
  • Forms Of Govenment

    Forms Of Govenment
    Even till this day we have different views on our government, a group of these people is called the democratic-republican party. This party is lead by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison in 1792. Another group is called the federalists they favored the ratification of the constitution to establish a strong central government, they also wanted a strong national government and fostered great relations with Britain.
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    The cotton gin was invented by an American inventor called Eli Whitney. The point of this was simply to quickly separate the actual cotton from their seeds allowing for much greater productivity than doing it manually. This allowed for prices on shirts and other products made out of cotton to go down in price. Eli began to work on this after he moved from Georgia when fortunately a woman by the name of Catherine Greene provided him with a funding.
  • Jay's Treaty

    Jay's Treaty
    this was a treaty that John Jay negotiated for the united states in 1794 with Britain to prevent war. it solved many issues left from the American revolution but also it created peaceful years of trade. the terms were to number 1 withdraw of British troops from America's western posts number two The establishment of a commission to settle border issues between the United States and Canada and last to get a soldiers back that were captured in the revolutionary war
  • Kentucky Resolutions

    Kentucky Resolutions
    Was a political statement in which Kentucky and Virginia legislatures took position that the federal alien and sedition acts were unconstitutional. These acts were designed by rederalist to limit power of the opposition republican party and were passed by congress in preparation for a war with France. Later it became known as the " Principals of '98" .
  • Election of 1800

    Election of 1800
    In this election Thomas Jefferson and John Adams ran for president and it resulted as a win for Thomas Jefferson with 73 electoral votes. This was the 4th election, but after the 12th amendment was adopted to fix the constitution that allowed Thomas Jefferson to tie in the Electoral with Aaron Burr. Before John Adams left he signed the Judiciary Act which recognized the federal court system. Midnight Judges signed appointment until midnight and he refused them, leading to Marbury v Madison.
  • Period: to

    The Age Of Jefferson

  • Rail Roads

    Rail Roads
    This other transportation method was also designed John Fitch in 1794 as a model, with the purpose to move people and goods across the land in a efficient manner. The first railroad was known as the " pacific railroads" and it was 1,907-miles long in the US that took place in 1863 west of the Mississippi and Missouri rivers to connect the pacific coast at san fracisco bay with eastern
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    This was a great military conflict between the U.S. and Great Britain. Canada was also in the war since it was a colony of Britain. American main objective was to annex British and the policy regarding trade, the American war plan was since the Royal Navy was the most powerful, America focused on land campaigns to conquer. However, they started the war with only 13,000, less than double the 7000 british and Canadian troops in Canada and were not trained well.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Battle of New Orleans
    this battle as they call it actually included multiple engagement faught between December 1814 and January 1815. but the major battle was called the war of 1812. the americans were lead by Admiral Alexander Cochrane, he stopped british from seizing new Orleans and the vast territory the united stated had acquired with the Louisiana purchase.
  • Period: to

    The Early American Industrial Revolution

  • Panic of 1819

    Panic of 1819
    this was a great impact towards the economy of the United States caused by the end of the war between france and great Britain. during this time banks in the country failed, mortgages were foreclosed and people were forced out of their homes and farms.
  • McChulloch v Maryland

    McChulloch v Maryland
    In this case the supreme court ruled congress had gave power of the constitution to create the second bank of the US and that the state of Maryland lacked the power to tax the bank. this was one of the first supreme count cases and also will become one of the most important ones. this violated article I, section 8 or the 10th amendment.
  • Adams-Onis Treaty (1819)

    Adams-Onis Treaty (1819)
    This was a treaty between the US and Spain that gave up Florida to the US and it settled the dispute between the two in the Sabine River in Spanish Texas. this treaty only lasted 183 days, or until spain signed the treaty of Cordoba gaining their independence from mexico. it was names after john quincy adams after the Louisiana purchase and negotiated in Washington DC.
  • Missouri Crisis

    Missouri Crisis
    the Missouri crisis included multiple stuff to it, one being the Missouri compromise. this was an agreement that all states higher than the parallel 36*10% or to the north of it were free slaves, while all the states to the south of this line were slave states. this is on reason the north and the south were beefing, because the north wanted to abolish slavery and the south wanted to keep it because it helped them on the fields.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
    this was a united states policy opposing European colonialism. it said that if they were to further cry to take control of north or south American it would be viewed as a manifestation of an unfriendly disposition". But at the same time the US would not interfere with European colonies. its objective was to free newly independent colonies from Europe. however if they did interfere with the US the only solution would be war.
  • Election of 1824

    Election of 1824
    In this election John Quincy Adams was elected as president by the house of representatives because none of the candidates received enough of the electoral college votes to win. Henry Clay was appointed secretary of state after helping Adams win. Even in this election Jackson received more votes, but after the election was said, they said adams had 'sold' the secretary of state positions to clay.
  • Period: to

    Jacksonian America

  • Presidency Of John Q. Adams

    Presidency Of John Q. Adams
    After graduating Harvard he became lawyer, then at age 26 became minister to the Netherlands, in 1848 he collapsed on the floor from a stroke and died 2 days later. He proposed a program including federal funding of an interstate system of roads, but he also created another national bank during he precedency.
  • Second Great Awakening

    Second Great Awakening
    The Second Great Awakening was a protestant revival, that came after the change in economy and increase in alcoholism. Railroads helped changed the economy there for reduced subsistence farming. The increase in alcohol drinkers when up because it was much safer than water and milk. Some of the main players were Theodore Frelinghuysen and William and Gilbert Tenant. After this kids could afford schools and this allowed them to become more educated.
  • Election of 1828

    Election of 1828
    The election of 1828 was a rematch of the election prior to it. John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson both ran for precedent. Andrew Jackson won the election. The second party system is described as a vigorous competition between whigs and democrats. it is a term that historians and political scientists give to the political system existing in the US. Andrew Jacksons wife, Rachel, died days after his election, she was the subject of extremely negative attacks from John's Supporters.
  • Age Of The Common Man

    Age Of The Common Man
    The age of the common man started with the presidency of Andrew Jackson In 1828 and lasted throughout the next decade. It has gotten its name from the ability to pick ordinary white men to be elected into government office and almost all white men could also vote. Jacksons supporters created the modern Democratic party and John Quincy Adams created the Republican Party.
  • Spoils System

    Spoils System
    This system started with president Andrew Jackson which he just replaced a large number of government officials to his own supporters. So the system just means changing government workers to people you can work with and you pick you be there why you being the president. Until the Pendleton Act was passed in 1883 due to a civil service reform movement.
  • Nat Turners Slave Rebellion

    Nat Turners Slave Rebellion
    Nat turner was a slave in Southampton County, Virginia during August 1831. That's when the rebellion took place he led slaves to kill owners and take weapons but also to free slaves as they went. They killed 55 to 65 people. This rebellion only lasted about a couple days before it was shut down. But Nat survived 2 months after this until he was captured. But nearly 56 slaves were killed that were accused of being part of the rebellion.
  • Nullification Crisis

    Nullification Crisis
    This was a sectional crisis during Andrew Jacksons precedency that involved problem between South Carolina and The federal government that declared the federal tariffs were unconstitutional and therefor null and void in the sovereign boundaries of the state.
  • Anti-Slavery Movement

    Anti-Slavery Movement
    In 1833, Arthur and Lewis Tappan Formed an American anti-slavery society. Within the next 5 years it had 1350 local chapters and 250,000 members. But in 1839 it split, both Western Europe and The American, wanted to end slave trade and set all slaves free.
  • Revivalism

    Charles Grandison Finney was an American Presbyterian and a leader to the second great awakening. He was a Christian and with views, they lead him to promote reforms as abolition or slavery and education for woman and slaves. He became president of the US and taught at Oberlin college in ohio.
  • Transcendentalism

    Ralph Waldo Emerson was a American essayist and he led the transcendentalist movement or the quest for the truth, during this time he speaks " We will walk on our own feet; we will work with our own hands; we will speak our own minds...A nation of men will for the first time exist, because each believes himself inspired by the Divine Soul which also inspires all men"
  • Period: to

    Cultural Changes

  • Telegraph

    This can be described as a long-distance messaging of textual or symbolic messages without physical exchange. It requires an encoding messaging system that both the sender and the receiver should know. when they used this telegraph they used a specific pattern or clicks and length called the Morse code invented and named after Samuel Morse.
  • Temperance Movement

    Temperance Movement
    This was a social moment that did not like alcoholic beverages, and they usually use alcohol to pass laws to regulate its prohibition. They used examples as spousal abuse, family neglect in their side to ban it. The movement started in Ireland in 1829 and made their way around the country by 1833 there were 6,000 local societies in several US states.
  • Election of 1840

    Election of 1840
    President Martin Van Buren fought for reelection against an economic depression and a whig party person. But was later defeated by William Henry Harrison. this was the 14th presidential election. He was the oldest president in the us to be elected. Harrison was an old war hero which is said to be the reason why he won. William Henry won this election with 234 electoral votes and 1,275,612 popular votes. William Henry only lived 31 days as president.
  • Period: to

    Westward Expansion

  • Great Migration

    Great Migration
    About 1000 pioneers assembled with 120 wagons and 5000 left Missouri for a greater life out west. The Oregon Trail is about 2,170 miles. They were led by John Gantt, a former U.S Army Captain, the biggest obstacle they faced was the Blue Mountains of Oregon where they had to cut a trail free of Heavy Timber.
  • Election of 1844

    Election of 1844
    In this election Democratic James K. Polk defeated a Whig Candidate Henry Clay with 170 electoral Votes to 105. This was the 15th Quadrennial election, it turned out to be an issue of slavery expansion in the annexation of the republic of Texas. Oregon was an issue between Britain and America saying they both explored it .
  • Manifest Destiny

    Manifest Destiny
    It all started when the US extended from coast to coast. The Oregon trail was people who were travelling from East to West, this demonstrated Manifest Destiny Well because it is the idea of people moving or spreding out to the west after the purchase of land in the west.
  • First Police Forces

    First Police Forces
    The police force was created because tensions needed to be dealt with, but many of these men were just "volunteers" trying to evade military service. They started to serve their community by supervising the activities of the night watch. On may 7th, 1844 NYS passed the Municipal Police Act that allowed the creation of a police force. They had about 1,200 officers. They divided into 3 districts, but were later replaced by the Metropolitan Police Service.
  • William Proviso

    William Proviso
    William Proviso proposed a law to ban slavery in land acquired from Mexico. The conflict over the Wilmot was one major problem leading to the Civil War. He tried to pass this law 3 times, the first time and second time it passed the House but failed the Senete. The third time he tried to make it part of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo but also failed. Slavery continues until the Compromise of 1850.
  • Election Of 1848

    Election Of 1848
    This was the 16th quadrennial, held on Tuesday, November 7th, 1848. Zachary Taylor, a member of the Whig Party ran against Former Martin Van Buren, member of the Free Soil Party and Lewis Cass a democrat. Zachary Taylor won this election with 163 Electoral Votes and 1,361,393 Popular Votes.
  • Popular Soveignty

    Popular Soveignty
    This was a political doctrine that the people should determine themselves the nature of their government. This concept became popular because of Stephen A. Douglas. But the idea was mainly that the people in new territories could vote on what they wanted their new land to have or they should be free of federal interference in domestic matters especially concerning slavery.
  • California Gold Rush

    California Gold Rush
    Gold was found by James W. Marshall In Coloma, California and this brought 300,000 people to California. The amount of people gave energy to American economy and also helped California become a statehood without first being a territory. But also California became a home-state to the Republican Party. People were pushed off their land by gold-seekers, while OREGON PEOPLE WERE THE FIRST TO GET TO CALIFORNIA. many returned home with just little from what they started with.
  • Seneca Falls Convention

    Seneca Falls Convention
    This was a woman's rights convention, it disused the social, civil, and religious rights for a woman. Multiple people gave attention to this and soon followed by other woman's rights conventions. Quakers put the meeting together along with Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Woman were not allowed to speak in public which is another reason why it got so much attention. This convention took place in Philadelphia.
  • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

    Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
    The treaty of Guadalupe hidalgo was a peace treaty a friendship and limits between the USA and the Mexican Republic. But also ended the Mexican-American War. The treaty added 525,000 square miles to the US. The Mexican government surrendered and claimed Rio Grande as American's southern boundary. But the US paid Mexico $15 million and agreed to settle all claims of US citizens against Mexico.
  • Crank Churns

    Crank Churns
    a device used to convert cream into butter. The way this is used is my a mechanical process done by the person using it in other words you crank the crank in a rotating process, such as a bicicle. this device was mostly used by woman because it came as a responsibility inside the household. This device was used through out the mid-1800s and the 1940s
  • Period: to

    Sectional Crisis

  • Compromise Of 1850

    Compromise Of 1850
    The Compromised happened after the Mexican-American War, and it admitted laws that stated California as a free state. But left Utah and New Mexico territories questioning about slavery. It included 5 different bills passed one being the claim of New Mexico, second left California a free state, third Utah and New Mexico Territory was allowed slavery under Popular Sovereignty, fourthly the slave trade was banned in the District of Columbia and lastly the Fugitive Slave Law was enacted.
  • Seventh Of March

    Seventh Of March
    This was a speech made by Daniel Webster to the Senate for supporting the Compromise of 1850. People had extreme reaction on this, some people why had admired him for years all of sudden saw him a traitor and people who hated him praised him. His speech lasted 3.5 hours, on the topic of slavery being a moral issue.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Kansas-Nebraska Act
    This Act obligated settlers to Popular Sovereignty, or for settlers to pick whether they were going to allow slavery or not. Stephen A. Douglas Proposed this Act that in its initial purpose was to open up thousands of new farms. This was a major event also leading to the Civil War.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Bleeding Kansas
    " Bleeding Kansas " is a term used for the settling of Kansas territory, in 1854 the Kansas-Nebraska act over turned the Missouri Compromise which caused violence to erupt. John Brown an abolitionist led anti-slavery fighters in Kansas, they fought against proslavery fighters for Kansas. Kansas ended up being a free state, during the Civil War Kansas had the highest rate of casualties of all Union states due to its pre-existing division of slavery
  • Election of 1860

    Election of 1860
    This was the nineteenth quadrennial election between Abraham Lincoln and John C Breckinridge. Abraham Lincoln would win with 180 Electoral votes and 1,862,908 popular votes. It was held November 6st, 1860. It was won by the Republican Party, but grew tension towards the Civil War. How? Because southern states fear of what a republican president would do to their lifestyle depending on slavery. knowimsayin?
  • Underground Railroad

    Underground Railroad
    Was a network of secret routes, not necessary underground, and safe houses that enslaved Africans would use to try to escape to free states and Canada with help of Abolitionist. Harriet Tubman helped make this very successful because she helped many along the way, many thought slaved were not smart to figure out something like this, but also because no slave owner knew about this path. Harriet was born a slave and fled slavery in 1849.
  • Clara Barton

    Clara Barton
    Clarissa Harlowe Barton was a pioneering nurse and she founded the American Civil War. Nursing school was uncommon for woman at the time so she had to self teach her self. She also received multiple proposals but never actually married. She was born on Christmas of 1821 on North Oxford, Massachusetts.
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    Civil War

  • Creation of Parks

    Creation of Parks
    The first cemetery was developed during the Civil War due to mounting war casualties, on July 17, 1862 Congress gave permission to Abraham Lincoln to buy grounds and make them cemeteries for the soldiers who died in service of the country. One of the first cemeteries was called " Alexandria " in Alexandria, Va. Established in 1862 and also had the first burial that same year.
  • Consription Act

    Consription Act
    While in the Civil War, the US congress passed the act that produced the first wartime draft. It called for all males between the ages of 20 and 45. You can only get out of it by paying $300 or by finding another person to take your spot. Another act required all male citizens to buy a gun and join their states militia.
  • Gettysburg Address

    Gettysburg Address
    The Gettysburg Address was a speech by the U.S president at the time Abraham Lincoln during the American Civil War. The speech lasted just over two minutes and was one of the greatest and most influential statements of national purpose. In which he thanked all of the soldiers who fought the battle for freedom and for god to protect them at all times.
  • Battle of Vicksburg

    Battle of Vicksburg
    This battle happened on May 18th, 1863, in this battle the Union got full control of the Mississippi River, which was the superhighway used at the time to transport goods, crops, raw materials from the south to the north. The confederate lost about 32,697 men most of them got surrendered.
  • Battle of Chattanooga

    Battle of Chattanooga
    The battle of Chattanooga was fought on November 23-25, 1863. In the American Civil War. This battle was fought on the Tennessee River and it became a significant victory for the North. The confederate troops retreated making it hard for them to fire at the advancing troops.
  • Election of 1864

    Election of 1864
    This election was the 20th quadrennial election, held on Tuesday, November 8th, 1864. The republican president Abraham Lincoln ran for reelection against the Democratic George B. McClellan. Abraham came up superior with 212 electoral vote and 2,218,388 popular votes. While George came up with 21 electoral votes and 1,812,807 popular votes.
  • Assassination Of Abraham Lincoln

    Assassination Of Abraham Lincoln
    Abraham Lincoln was shot by John Wilkes Booth in the bock of the head with a .44 caliber at Ford Theater in Washington, D.C. Abraham was president at the time, he was born in a log cabin in Kentucky. He was a republican and was president for 4 years. At 10:15 is when the shot was fired, but after this Booth jumped off and broke his leg. But still managed to escape from Washington on horseback.
  • Lincoln's 10% Plan

    Lincoln's 10% Plan
    After the Civil War Lincoln's 10 percent plan, that included that any southern state could be readmitted into the union ones 10% of its voters swore oath of allegiance to the union.
  • Amendment XIII

    Amendment XIII
    The 13th amendment is as said "All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives" which means also that no slavery was going to be tolerated.
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  • Ku Klux Klan

    Ku Klux Klan
    Also known as the KKK, was a group of people that have advocated extremist reactionary positions such as white supremacy, white nationalism, anti-immigration and nordicism. Before the KKK used terrorism or assults to people who opposed them. There has been several times where the clan has been destroyed and came back. In 1924-1945 it reached its peek with almost 6,000,000 members
  • Election Of 1866

    Election Of 1866
    The election happened just one year after the Civil War ended. The elections concluded of Schuyler Colfax, Samuel S. Marshall and Nathaniel Boyden. This was not a presidential election but an election to elect the representatives to the 40th US Congress.
  • Panic Of 1873

    Panic Of 1873
    This panic was caused by a financial crisis that later expanded a depression in Europe and North America that lasted 6 years. The failure of the Jay Cooke Company marked this date. Credits dried up, foreclosures were common and banks failed. Factories closed their doors, costing thousands of workers' jobs and most of the railroads failed.
  • Election Of 1876

    Election Of 1876
    The election of 1876 was the 23rd Quadrennial election held on Tuesday, November 7th. This was the most contentious and controversial election in a history since Republican Rutherford B Hayes and Democratic Samuel Jones Tilden were almost at a tied. Rutherford got 185 Electoral Votes and 4,034,311 Popular Votes. While Tilden got 184 Electoral Votes and 4,288,246 Popular Votes. The percentage leaned over to Tilden with a 50.9%. Rutherford Birchard Hayes won the election.
  • Compromise of 1877

    Compromise of 1877
    This compromise was unwritten and informal but it settled the dispute in the 1876 presidential election. It ended up being the US pulling the last troops out of the south and ending the era. Rutherford was awarded the white house over Samuel under the understanding that Hayes would remove troops who survived.