
David Bowie's life

  • Date of birth

    Date of birth
    David bowie was born in London the 8th January 1947
  • Sart of his career

    Sart of his career
    Bowie's career began when he released his album "Space Oddity" including the hit song "Space Oddity"
  • Hunky Dory Album

    Hunky Dory Album
    He released "Hunky Dory" album including the song "Life on Mars?"
  • The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars album

    The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars album
    He released "The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars" album
  • Young Americans album

    Young Americans album
    He released "Young Americans" album
  • West Berlin

    West Berlin
    David moved to West Berlin
  • The Man Who Fell To Earth movie

    The Man Who Fell To Earth movie
    He participated in "The Man Who Fell to Earth" movie
  • Laberynth movie

    Laberynth movie
    He participated in the "Laberynth" movie
  • Mainstream pop

    Mainstream pop
    He moved his music genre to Mainstream pop
  • Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence movie

    Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence movie
    He participated in the "Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence" movie
  • Let's Dance album

    Let's Dance album
    He released "Let's Dance" album including "Let's Dance", his first mainstream pop song
  • Last Temptation of Christ movie

    Last Temptation of Christ movie
    He participated in the "Last Temptation of Christ" movie
  • Zoolander Movie

    Zoolander Movie
    He participated in the "Zoolander" Movie
  • The Prestige Movie

    The Prestige Movie
    He participated in "The Prestige" movie
  • Date of death

    Date of death
    Bavid Bowie died on the 10th January 2016