Culture of east asia

Culture of East Asia

  • 206

    Han Dynasty

    Han Dynasty
    The Han dynasty ruled China from 206BC to AD220-more than 400 years. After the dynasty collapsed, military leaders split China into rival kingdoms. These events began a period of disorder and warfare that historians call the Period of Disunion.
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    The Sui Dynasty

    The Sui Dynasty
    Centralized GovernmentWendi worked to build centralized government Restored order, created new legal code, reformed bureaucracy Created policies to provide adult males with land, ensure availability of grainGrand Canal 1,000 Miles from Northern to Southern China Made peasants to work led to rebellion
  • Jan 1, 600


    First Korean nomadic peoples from northeastern Asia; formed clans Adopted Confucianism, Chinese writing, political, agricultural methods.After China’s Han dynasty, three rival kingdoms controlled Korea 600s, rulers of one kingdom, Silla, allied with China, conquered rest Silla then turned on Chinese; ruled all Korea 670 Agreed to pay tribute to China to ensure harmony, good will Embraced many aspects of Chinese civilization, promoted Buddhism, created central government, bureaucracy.
  • Jan 1, 705

    Wu Zhao overthrown

    Wu Zhao overthrown
    Dynasty reached height under Xuanzong. During reign, 712- 756, empire prospered.
  • Jan 1, 712

    Wu Zhao

    Wu Zhao
    New emperor was weak sickly. Emperor’s wife, Wu Zhao gained power.Following death of husband. Wu Zhao ruled through her sons. Eventually became emperor-the only woman to do so in Chinese history
  • Feb 28, 1050

    Zhou Dynasty

    Zhou Dynasty
    1050-256BCExpanded Bureaucracy mandate of heaven idea that gods favored a certain group to rule and that group is only overthrown when they have the last favor of godsDao-proper way of ruling justified revolutionset up dynastic cycles filial piety-family structure where everyone has a defined place and lives according to that place Chinese writing: Ideographic, CalligraphyState religion under Tang rule, Buddhism became state religion Buddhist temples appeared
  • Jan 1, 1100

    Genghis Khan

    Genghis Khan
    Temujin, completed task, took name Genghis Khan, “Universal Ruler”. Set out to build empire, organized Mongols into powerful military machine. Strict discipline, demanded loyalty, rewarded those who pleased him.
  • Feb 28, 1200

    The Mongols

    The Mongols
    In the 1200s a nomadic people called the Mongols burst forth from Central Asia to create the largest land empire in history
    Mongols divided into separate clans, each led by khan, chief
    Genghis Kahn led Mongols in conquering much of Asia Mongols learned art of siege warfare, gunpowder in fights against Chinese, TurksAt Genghis Kahn’s death, 1227AD, Mongols controlled much of northern China, Central Asia Sons, grandsons took up challenge of world conquest
  • Mar 4, 1200

    Yuan China invaded

    Yuan China invaded
    Mongol Occupation1200s 0f Yuan China invaded, occupied Korea. Forced Koryo’s rulers to pay immense tributes, enslaved many Koreans.Took artisans to China Forced men to serve in Yuan military. 1300s, Yuan dynasty weakened Koreans rebelled against Yuan.1392, Korean general founded new dynasty.
  • Jan 1, 1227

    Genghis Kahn's Death

    Genghis Kahn's Death
    Genghis Kahn dies 1227 BC
  • Feb 28, 1260

    The Yuan Dynasty

    The Yuan Dynasty
    The Yuan Dynasty1260, Kublai Kahn became Great Kublai Kahn of Mongol Empire Adopted Chinese practices, gave dynasty Chinese nameSouthern Song dynasty ruled in south, fiercely resisted Mongols 1279, Song defeated’ Kublai Kahn created Yuan dynasty
  • Land of China

    Land of China
    Land of China Huang He-YellowLoess (“China’s Sorrow”)Chiang Jiang-YangtzeMostly mountains or desert Geographically Isolated Middle Kingdom or “center of the world”China ProsperFirst dynastyXia Dynasty 4000 years ago Shang 1750-1122 BCStrong government ancestor worship Irrigation and floodcontrol measures developed use of silkworms begins
    complex lunar calendars developed
  • The Tang Dynasty

    The Tang Dynasty
    Tang dynasty ruled 618 to 907; Chinese influence spread China experienced period of brilliance, prosperity, cultural achievement
    Government, other institutions served as models across East Asia