
Cuban Missle Crisis

By ReidM
  • The U.S. Gains Intel

    The U.S. Gains Intel
    The U.S. sends a U-2 plane over Cuba. The U.S. find nuclear missles in Cuba and JFK is informed on this day October 16th.
  • Period: to

    The 13 Days

  • The Presidents new message.

    The Presidents new message.
    In August of 1962 a message from Georgi Bolshakov to Robert Kennedy explained that the Soviet Union would place missles in Cuba for defensive purposes. This message was finally relayed to President Kennedy in October. Kennedy found this as offensive and would not accept them as defensive.
  • Kennedy and Gromyko

    Kennedy and Gromyko
    On October 18th President Kennedy meets with Soviet Foreign Minister, Georgi Gromyko. When they met, Gromyko declared that the importation of weapons to Cuba was not for offensive use. After this meeting, Kennedy referee to Gromyko as "that lying bastard."
  • Military Options

    Military Options
    After JFK's meeting with Gromyko on the 18th, he met with secrecy of defense, Robert McNamara, and Join Chiefs to discuss their options as far as the military was concerned.
  • Kennedy returns to Washington

    Kennedy returns to Washington
    Kennedy returns to Washington after a campaign trip in Chicago. He discusses the discovery of more Soviet missiles in Cuba.
  • U.S. Blockade

    U.S. Blockade
    After being reviewed, an U.S. naval blockade, ordered by Kennedy, around Cuba was approved.
  • DEFCON 3

    DEFCON 3
    The U.S. enters into DEFCON 3. Kennedy announces to the public his plans to blockade Cuba.
  • New Knowledge

    New Knowledge
    The U.S. gains knowledge that the Soviet Misslies are armed and ready for launch. Kennedy and the secretary of defense, McNamara, discuss the next step of confrontation.
  • DEFCON 2

    DEFCON 2
    The U.S. Enters into DEFCON 2, the highest DEFCON level in U.S. history.
  • Soviets Refusal

    Soviets Refusal
    Ambassador Adlai Stevenson try to communicate with Soviets via the U.N. but they refuse to respond. More and more Soviet ships approach the blockade line.
  • Soviet's Proposal

    Soviet's Proposal
    Soviets communicate with U.S. stating that they remove missles from Cuba if the U.S. publically announces that they will not invade Cuba.
  • Soviets ask for more

    Soviets ask for more
    In addition to not invading Cuba, Khrushchev states that they want the U.S. to remove their missles from Turkey. Also on this day, one U.S. U-2 plane accidentally flies into Russia, and another is shot down over Cuba.
  • The Crisis is over

    The Crisis is over
    The Crisis is over, Russia begins removal of missles from Cuba while Kennedy keeps Cuba quarantined for another month.