
  • The global Movement Begins

    A 26 year old man lights himself on fire in Sidi Bouzid, Tanisia in response to yaers of police harassment which sparked a movement of protesters in his country and throughout the globe.
  • Wisconsin

    20,000 citizens of Wisconsin protest Governor Walker's austerity budget and his attack on the collective bargaining. The state capital, Madison was occupied for weeks.
  • 30,000 Demonstrators

    More than 30,000 protesters filled the streets of NYC. A retired Philadelphia police captain protested wearing his uniform. He was arrested and charged wtih civil disobedience.
  • Spain

    Protests in 58 cities in Spain erupted against austerity and unemployment which began the 15-M Movement. This continued for weeks holding mass assemblies in public areas and peaceful sit-ins demanding greater say in the political process.
  • Greece awakens

    Thousands of protesters gathering in Athens after news was published about cutting public spending and raising taxes in exchange for bailout bill. Police volience met these protesters making this an ugly protest.
  • The Beginning

    Kalle Lasn, an activists and co-founder of Adbusters magazine, registered the web address occupywallstreet.org.
  • The Proposal

    Adbusters, a Canadian based Media Foundation founded on the ideals of anti-consumerist and pro-environment, published a proposal for a peaceful demonstration/protest to occupy Wall Street.
  • Anonymous Encourages followers

    Anonymous Encourages followers
    Anonymous, a global activist group of hackers, encouraged its followers to participate in the Occupy Wall Street protests and believe in the movement.
  • The first day of Gatherings

    The first day of the Occupy Wall Street protest began with a turnout of roughly 1,000 people. The NYPD paid close attention and used loitering laws to prohibit much activity.
  • Olbermann

    One of the top journalist, Keith Olbermann, recognizes the protests and brings it to the media's attenetion.
  • The arrest begin

    The arrest begin
    The NYPD arrest the masked protesters using the law that bans masked wearing gatherings unless part of a masquerade party.
  • Heading Uptown

    Heading Uptown
    The protesters begin to move the protest uptown this day and forced several streets in NYC to close. During this movement of the protest, 80 individuals were arrested.
  • Anonymous begins to flex

    Anonymous sends out a video threatening the NYPD. They stated "if we hear of brutality in the next 36 hours then we wil take you down from the internet as you have taken the protesters voices from the airwaves."
  • Anonymous goes to the internet

    The police officer's name, who maced a woman on 9/24/11, was made public knowledge. It was not only his name though. The hackers also gave the name of his children and where they went to school. That evening, Michael Morore addressed the crowd at Zuccotti Park showing his support for the movement
  • Police Commissioner Statement

    Police Commissioner Statement
    NYPD Police Commissioner, Ray Kelly, states that the NYPD cannot bar the protesters out of the Zuccotti Park. Also he states that the pepper spraying incidient by NYPD Officier will be looked into.
  • The Declaration

    The New York General Assembly approves a Declaration of the Occupation, a founding document speaking to the feeling of the mass injustice which brought this movement together.
  • The March Accross the Bridge

    The March Accross the Bridge
    700 protesters were said to arrested this day by the NYPD. Some said they police seemed to trick the protesters that it was okay to march accross the Brooklyn Bridge while other protesters claimed the police were constantly warning the march to stay on the sidewalk and out of the street.
  • The biggest demonstration yet

    The biggest demonstration yet
    On this day an estimated, give or take few thousand, 10,000 protesters marched from Foley Sqaure in Manhattan to Zuccotti Park. The march went smooth until the march approached Wall Street where 200 people rushed the barricades blocking the street.
  • Mayor Bloomberg

    Mayor Bloomberg stated that as long as protesters follow the laws, they will not be arrested.
  • Zuccotti Park

    The statement from Mayor Bloomberg and NYPD that the protesters were clear the park so it could be cleaned. NYPD also issued a statement that protesters were not keep sleeping essentials in the park area anymore.
  • Presidential Support

    President Obama let Occupy demonstrators that he supported the movement. The White house issued a statement that the Obama Administration is for the interests of the 99%. Also around this time the movement spread Coast to Coast in the US.
  • Tear gas, rubber bullets and flash bangs

    Police arrest 53 in Atlanta. In Oakland, tear gas, rubber bullets and flash bang grenades are fired on protesters. Occupy Denver, LA, Atlanta and San Fran all remain in their camps.
  • NYPD began clearing

    NYPD began clearing
    Around 1am, the NYPD began its clearing of protested who have set up camp in Zuccotti Park. Bloomberg's office released a statement saying "the action was taken at this time of day to reduce confrontation in the park and to minimize distruption to surrounding neighborhoods.
  • Anonymous Exposes

    The activist group Anonymous reappears to expose the personal information of police officiers who have evicted OWS protesters.
  • Flash Mob

    200 Occupy protesters performed a flash mob in New York's Grand Central Terminal to protest Obams's signing of a defense act that the protesters perceived as detrimental to civil liberties.