Oglethorpe meeting native americans in colonial georgia 1700s

Cooperation During Colonization Of North America

  • Iroquois Confederacy

    Iroquois Confederacy
    The Iroquios wipeout the Ohio valley of any other tribes. They do this as a effort to control fur trade with Europeans.
  • British relations with Native Americans

    British relations with Native Americans
    The British at first thought of native Americans as savages. They didn't have any care for their health, land, or freedom. This could be the cause of the less friendly Virgina Indians.
  • Mayflower Compact

    Mayflower Compact
    All 41 adult men signed the mayflower compact which was to maintain law and order.
  • Thanksgiving

    Plymouth settlers and Natives have a feast now known as Thanksgiving.
  • Powhatan

    The Powhatan, under a new ruler start large scale raids on Jamestown. Before this Jamestown and Powhatan were friendly.
  • Jamestown Massacre

    Jamestown Massacre
    One Third of the Jamestown population. Massacres like this happened from 1500 to 1900
  • Trade

    Natives would trade furs for guns, knives, ect.Since France relized this was a profitable opportunity first they got a head start.
  • Crime

    A newspaper in New York said crime was so bad people shouldn't go out at night unless strong or well armed.
  • Treaties

    Delaware and Shawnee agree on treaty. This puts end of conflict or any thought of conflict.
  • French and Indian wars.

    French and Indian wars.
    The last of the four North American wars between France and Spain against Britian. The European powers used Native American tribes agaist each other.