Conquest of the West

  • The Extinction of the Buffalo in the 1800's

    The Extinction of the Buffalo in the 1800's
    The Buffalo were used in many different ways. Their bodies were valuable and this caused them to become targets. They were killed so much for their resources that they nearly went extinct.
  • Discovery of gold and silver

    Discovery of gold and silver
    Large amounts of gold and silver were discovered at Sutter's Mill in Coloma, Califorina. Massive amounts of settlers who hoped to get rich flocked to the west for gold and silver.
  • Homestead Act of 1862

    Homestead Act of 1862
    This act was signed in by Abraham Lincoln as an incentive for settlers moving westward. This act allowed settlers 160 acres of land. Anyone 21 or older who had never taken up arms against the United states could request a form.
  • Growth of cities and towns to support cattle, mining, and farming industries.

    Growth of cities and towns to support cattle, mining, and farming industries.
    The growth of new cities and towns added revenue to the mining, cattle and farming industries. Joesph G McCoy turned a tiny log settle ment into a booming cattle town.
  • Switch from Long Drives to Cattle Ranching

    Switch from Long Drives to Cattle Ranching
    The shift was caused by the high pricing of the beef. This caused farmers to create cattle ranches to mass produce beef.
  • Transcontinental railroad systems

    Transcontinental railroad systems
    This system of travel allowed for massive and rather easy travel westward. This system also made transporting goods from one side of the country to the other simple.
  • Barbed wire

    Barbed wire
    Barbed wire was created to fence in cattle. This wire also kept out intruders and other animals.
  • Jesse James

    Jesse James
    Jesse James was a old fasioned outlaw, he robbed trains, banks, commited murder, and was a gang leader. Jesse James was assassinated on april 3rd 1882 by a gunshot to the back of the head by Bob Ford.
  • Wild West Shows

    Wild West Shows
    The first and most popular wild west show was Buffalo Bills.They showed unrealistic versions of western lifestlyes.
  • Dawes act of 1886

    Dawes act of 1886
    This alotted land the Native Americans after the land was surveyed by the President. This act allowed the president to give native tribes their own land.