Curtis navajo riders

Conquering the west 1860-1896

  • The Sand Creek Massacre

    The Sand Creek Massacre
    The Sand Creek Massacre took place between the Cheyenne Indians and 675 men of the U.S Colorado cavalry. The massacre also took place in current day Kiowa County, Colorado. What was important about this massacre is many Native Americans were told they had immunity but, yet they were still killed. In all 400 Native Americans were killed. Many women and children were scalped.
  • The Battle of Little Bighorn

    The Battle of Little Bighorn
    The Battle of Little Bighorn took place between Sioux Native Americans and were forced off the land that they were promised once gold was found on it. This battle took place on the land that the Sioux were given in present day South Dakota. This Battle was led by General Custer but he men were met by 2,500 Native Americans from the Sioux, Arapaho, and Cheyenne. Unfortunately, the Native Americans were still forced off the land. This is important because Native Americans had no safe place to go.
  • The Dawes General Allotment Act

    The Dawes General Allotment Act
    The Dawes General Allotment Act split Native American reservations into homesteads for each family to have a plot of land. Different members of the Native American would receive different allotments of land. Such as those over 18 would receive 80 acres. The Dawes Act was put in place to “protect Indian property rights.” The Dawes Act though was just an attempt to ‘Americanize’ the Native Americans. It was also an attempt to farce Native Americans into becoming farmers.