
  • The Word Computer

    The word computer was mentioned way before it was invented. It described a person performing calculations. The computer definition stayed the same until the 19th century. This was when the Industrial Revolution gave rise to machines.
  • First computer invented

    The first mechanical computer was invented by Charles Babbage. It doesn't resemble a computer from today. It even has different engines.
  • The Z1

    The Z1
    The Z1 was created by German Konrad Zuse in his parent's living room. It was the first really electro mechanical binary programmable computer. It was the first really functional computer
  • First Concepts Of What We Consider a Modern Computer

    The Turing machine was proposed by Alan Turing. It becam the foundation of theories for computing and computers. It was a machine that printed symbols on paper tape. Without this foundation we would not have the computers we have today.
  • The First Digital Computer

    The First Digital Computer
    The Antanasoff-Berry Computer was the first digital computer. It was developed by John Vincent Antanasoff. It used vacuum tubes. That led to the ENIAC being invented.
  • First Electric Programmable Computer

    First Electric Programmable Computer
    The first electric programmable computer was the Colossus. It was developed by Tommy Flowers. It was created to help the British Code Breakers.
  • First automatic computing engine concept

    First automatic computing engine concept
    Charles Babbage began developing the difference engine. It was capable of making hard drives and computing several sets of numbers. Ada Lovelace helped with the development. They was never able to complete a full scale version one. He proposed the first general mechanical computer. The Analytical engine was the first mechanical computer.