
  • first computer

    first computer
    The First Computer The first freely programmable computer came into play. invented by Charles Babbage
  • a four-function calculator

    An Austrian engineer named Curt Herzstark spent his time at the Buchenwald concentration camp working on preliminary designs of a four-function calculator. After his release, he moved forward with building the calculator.
  • memory technology

    Researchers with the University of Manchester developed the "Manchester Baby," which was a machine designed to test memory technology. The researchers wrote and ran the first computer program on the Manchester Baby.
  • The Atlas computer was brought online

    The Atlas computer was brought online
    The Atlas computer was brought online. This computer was fast, and it was the first system to utilize virtual memory that was connected with the main memory of the computer.
  • Apple-1 single-board computer

     Apple-1 single-board computer
    Steve Wozniak was instrumental in the design and release of the Apple-1 single-board computer. Only about 200 machines were sold.
  • Model 400 and the Model 800.

     Model 400 and the Model 800.
    Atari released two gaming microcomputers, the Model 400 and the Model 800. These computers were in direct competition with the Apple-II computer.
  • Macintosh computer.

     Macintosh computer.
    1984: Apple used a 1984 Super Bowl commercial to unveil the Macintosh computer. The Macintosh was the first computer to utilize a mouse.
  • Apple's Newton.

     Apple's Newton.
    Hand-held computers took a step forward with the release of Apple's Newton. This device was called a personal data assistant, or PDA.
  • Raspberry Pi launched a computer

     Raspberry Pi launched a computer
    Raspberry Pi launched a computer the size of a credit card. This tiny computer weighed in at 45 grams.
  • Apple iMac 27-inch

    Apple iMac 27-inch
    Apple iMac 27-inch (2020) The best desktop overall, the 27-inch iMac is an impressive all-in-one.