
  • Mark 1 computer

    Howard AIken and grace hopper created the series of the mark computers.
  • Eniac

    John Manuchly and John Presper Eckert made the ENIAC series. for the computers.
  • Tube

    Click hereSir Fredrick williams and Tom Kilburn created the Williams-Kilburn Tube
  • Vacuum

    The first gerneration of computers did not function corectlly with out a vital piece of equipment called the vacuum tube.
  • UNIVAC computers

    click hereJhon Presper Eckert and John Mauchly created their own business for computers.....their first customer was the United states Census Bureau.
  • IBM Backround

    in the 1930's IBm also cofounded the Mark1 computers. But the 1953 Ibm came out with the 701 EDPm computer.
  • Software

    Click hereIn 1954 Ibm Released commercially..Also the Fortran began as a code(digital) innerpreter for IBM 701
  • ERMA

    Reaschers in the Stanford Research Institute inventer the ERMA (electrionic recording method of accounting.