Icon computer

Computer Timeline Morgan Martinez

  • Analytical Machine

    Analytical Machine
    The first model used to do calculations. It was used with rods and beads.
  • Holes in Cards

    Holes in Cards
    An early storage method to hold data, using patterns of punches holds.

    UNIVAC was the first computer that was produced in the United States from the inventors of the ENIAC.

    Was the first general electronic computer.
  • Von Neumann Architechure

    Von Neumann Architechure
    A design of an electronic computer.
  • High Level Programming Language

    High Level Programming Language
    A programming language read by computers.
  • UNIX Operating System

    UNIX Operating System
    It derives from the original at&t unix. It was designed to be portable multi-tasking, multi-user in a time sharing.
  • Cray 1

    Cray 1
    First supercomputer.
  • Apple

    Is a prominent hardware and software best known for their series of products like computers and ipods.
  • First Electronic Spreadsheet

    First Electronic Spreadsheet
    It's made by apple.
  • Macintosh

    Apple first operating system.
  • Altair

    First personal computer to attract number of users.
  • Windows

    Operating system designed and produced by Microsoft.