computer timeline

By lrios12
  • Period: to

    the ENIAC was build

  • first computer for business and govt applications was build

    first computer for business and govt applications was build
    the first computer was invented by John Mauchly and J.Presper Eckert.When it was fisrt invented it was called the UNIVAC.
  • the transitor invented

    the transitor invented
  • first computer language invented

    first computer language invented
  • the FORTRAN programming language is born

    the FORTRAN programming language is born
  • computer chip was integrated

    computer chip was integrated
  • Ethernet developed

    Ethernet developed
  • Period: to

    personal computers hit the market

  • floppy disk invented

    floppy disk invented
    this was the year it happened
  • the pentium microprocessor advances the use of graphics and music

  • google search engine was developed

    google search engine was developed
  • the term wifi becomes part of the computering language

  • first 64-bit processor becomes availabe to the market

    first 64-bit processor becomes availabe to the market
  • youtube was invented

    youtube was invented
  • today's computers

    today we see that computers have evolped form when they was first build.