computer History

By roa488
  • Difference Engine

    Difference Engine
    A machine used to do maths by cranking a wheel created by Charles babbage. The difference engine was a machine used to calculate mathematical sums
  • Period: to

    Technology History

    This is the timeline from the 1822 difference engine to 2030 predictable technology
  • Typewriter

    The typewriter is used to type words on to a pece of paper,
  • CRT Monitor

    CRT Monitor
    CRT Monitor or cathode rey tube was used to show Philo Farnsworth’s TV
  • Colossus and Genesis

    A machine used to count numbers by cranking a wheel.

    Used to project the angle and power of a missile and power to hit the target.
  • Transistor

    To store computing power.
  • Microchip

    A microchip is advice that miniaturises transistors then puts them on a silicon chip the size of your thumb, nowadays the microchip can house a couple million million transistors in one chip
  • Computer Mouse

    Computer Mouse
    The computer mouse was used to help select items on a computer.
  • Handheld/mobile phone

    Handheld/mobile phone
    The first handheld/mobile phone was invented so that people could make phone calls when they are outside home and not having to be in one place and talk.
  • Atari (First Console Invented)

    Atari (First Console Invented)
  • Robotians

    Robot that act like humans