Computer History

  • ATM

    The idea of this machine was created in 1950. Work finally began in the 60's, and after years of planning and perfecting, the first ATM (automated teller machine) was finally released in the 1970's to make depositing money faster, and easier without having to drive to the bank.
  • HP-35

    This calculator was made small enough to fit in a shirt pocket, and carried all the features of a desktop scientific calculator. This pocket-sized computer was made to be extremely fast and accurate.
  • IBM Personal Computer

    IBM Personal Computer
    This was the first personal computer (PC) made by IBM. The Microsoft operating system-inspired computer has drastically changed business computing, and was the first PC to gain widespread interest.
  • CD-ROM

    Developed by Sony and Phillips, the Compact Disk (CD) was created with 550 megabytes to hold and distribute music .If 9 million words were downloaded to this device, only 12% of the CD's space would be used.
  • Powerbook Laptop

    Powerbook Laptop
    Created by Apple, this laptop had a built-in floppy drive, trackball, and palm rests. The computer was considered an entry-level machine, and Apple launched many other versions of the Powerbook such as the Powerbook 140, which was more powerful, and had more memory. Apple continues to create new products yearly, but the Powerbooks were all retired in 2006
  • PlayStation

    First launched in Japan, the new gaming system has made its way to America. Created by Sony, the new home-gaming machine is disk-based version of Super Nintendo. The computer was highly popular and put Sony in the lead of the gaming market.
  • Nintendo Wii

    Nintendo Wii
    A new twist on the traditional Nintendo remotes and gaming consoles provides human movement-interaction. A variety of games can be played on the new gaming system such as Wii Sports, Mario Cart Wii, and Wii Fit. The Nintendo Wii has revolutionized home gaming systems for years to come.
  • Amazon Kindle

    Amazon Kindle
    After years of attempting to create electronic "libraries," Amazon had finally released the Kindle. A variety of books can be bought and read on this device. This piece of technology has been modernized throughout the years, with more companies competing to create the perfect electronic book.
  • iPad

    The iPad is practically an enlarged iPhone; it includes the same features and capabilities. It is popular due to its various apps, games, and accessories, as well as its camera features.
  • Samantha's First Phone

    Samantha's First Phone
    I got the iPhone 5c (blue) in 5th grade for Christmas, but I fell in my pool with my phone in my back pocket that coming summer.
  • Nada's First Phone

    Nada's First Phone
    My first phone was a blue Samsung Galaxy S3 in 5th grade. It was my favorite phone.
  • Apple Watch

    Apple Watch
    The Apple Watch has exceeded a new level of excitement due to the fact that it is built as a computer in watch form. Its design includes sensors for environmental and health monitoring. The watch is also compatible with other Apple products.