Computer History

  • Z1 was created

    Z1 was created
    First program that could calculate complicated engineering equations. Used the binary system.This is an importaint event because it is one of the first computers the use the binary system
  • Period: to

    Computer Timeline

  • Z3 Was Created

    Z3 Was Created
    The first program controlled electromechanical digital computer was completed by Zuse, it is like a very larg calculator. This is importaint because it creates new possibilitys for more advanced programs.
  • First computer "Bug"

    First computer "Bug"
    The first computer bug was found in the Havard 1 computer. This is importaint beacuse it teachs us a way to get ride of computer "bugs" later on in the future.
  • Magnetic core memory is created

    Magnetic core memory is created
    The first Magnetic core memory is created,It will hold data that is inputed into the computer. This will help others in the future to create better magnetic memory systems
  • Whirlwind computer

    Whirlwind computer
    First actual computer was created, it could show you real time text and graphics. This will help develope more computers that are even for advanced.
  • First business computer is created

    First business computer is created
    This is and importaint event because it shows how computer will soon be integrated into our lives. The businesss computer was like a large calculator.
  • First Hard Drive built

    First Hard Drive built
    The first hard drive is built and holds 5MB of data created by IBM. This is will lead to more advanced hard drives that can hold more data and take up less space.
  • First copy machine built

    First copy machine built
    Xerox introduces the first commercial copy machine, it uses ink to display things that were on the computer and transfer them to paper. This will help engeneers create more new inventions and printers
  • First input device created

    First input device created
    The model 33 keybord was created as the first input device, this will make engineers expand there knowlage and create new ways to put data into computers.
  • Mouse created

    Mouse created
    Douglas Englebart develops a working mouse that will let people controle a computer by looking at a screen. The mouse will lead people to creat things like the touch screen and mouse pad in the future.