Computer History

By lisap
  • Z2 Computer

    Konrad Zuse made the first fully functioning electro-mechnical computer.
  • Harvard Mark 1

    Howard H. Aiken started this project in Febuary 1944. He worked with Harvard and IBM.
  • ERMA and MICR

    This was the first bank industry computer. It was made to read checks.
  • Spacewar Computer Game

    FIrst computer game invented
  • ARPAnet

    The first and original internet was made and one of the first computers connected to it is located in the University of Utah.
  • Intel 4004 Computer Microprocessor

    The first microprocesser made by Federico Faggin
  • Lisa Computer launched

    Apple made the Lisa Computer, and that computer was named after his daughter
  • Apple Lisa Computer

    The first home computer with a GUI, which is graphical user interface.
  • Wi-Fi

    The term becomes part of computer language, and that's when more and more people started to internet without wires.
  • Macbook Pro

    Apple introduces the Macbook Pro, the first Intel-based, dual-core mobile computer.
  • First iPad

    Apple introduces the first iPad.