Communications and History

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    No one person really created the alphabet. The alphabet was passed from culture to culture and evolved to the peoples language. One of the first known forms of the alphabet was hieroglyphics done by the Egyptians.
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    Around 8,000 years ago humans used symbols as and alternative to words. Forms of writing developed thousands of years later. To produce raised designed cylinder seals were rolled across wet clay tablets.
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    Speech; the expression of, or the ability to express thoughts and feelings by articulate sounds can not be dated back to a specific orgin. There are few clues to when our ancestors began using complex language.
  • Jan 1, 1450

    Printing Press

    Printing Press
    The Printing Press was invented in the renaissance era by Johannes Gutenberg. Many printing masters were on the break of inventing the printing press but Gutenberg was the first to successfully demonstrate moveable metal type.
  • Typewriter

    The first typewriter dates back to 1714 when it was invented by Henry Mill. The first known typewriter to work was invented by italian Pellegrino Turri in 1808 for a blind friend.
  • Computer

    the first computer to catch widespread public attention was the UNIVAC I in 1951. Remington Rand who manufactured the UNIVAC I eventually sold 46 for over $1 million each.
  • Internet

    The internet was invented by Robert E. Kahn and Vint Cerf and has revolutionized communication and the world in a big way. What it represents is the outcome of sustained investments and commitment to research.