

  • 3000 BCE


    Papyrus is the very first form of both paper and communication. It was made by the Egyptians.
  • Period: 753 BCE to 27 BCE

    The Romans invent mail service

    Mail service is invented
  • Period: 300 BCE to 500 BCE


    The Persians then invented the Alphabet.
  • Feb 16, 1448

    The printing press.

    In 1448, the printing press was invented and the public beings to read more books.
  • Telegraph

    Three decades before the newspaper, the telegraph was invented in 1747.
  • Newspaper

    Three centuries later, in 1775, newspapers begin publishing and news gets around quicker.
  • The Radio

    Two centuries later, the radio is invented in 1921.
  • Television

    Back in the 1940's the TV changes the world forever.
  • Cell Phone

    In 1973, the cell phone is invented and changes the world. The invention goes public four years later.
  • Digital Camera

    The electronic camera is invented and is available to buy in 1975.
  • Computer

    The computer was invented back in 1967, but it was only for military purposes. It was available for the public in the 1980's.
  • Social Media

    Social Media comes into the public eye in 1997, but it became more popular with the debut of Facebook and Twitter.