Older columbus

Columbus' First Voyage

By kane090
  • Period: Jan 3, 1492 to Mar 15, 1493

    Columbus' First Voyage

  • Aug 3, 1492

    Set Sail

    Set Sail
    Columbus was finally allowed to set sail.
  • Sep 7, 1492

    Reached (wrong) destination

    Columbus thought that the land was Asia/China, but it was the west. Took 5 weeks, longer than Columbus thought, because of his thought of the size of the earth.
  • Oct 12, 1492

    Reached 'San Salvador'

    Reached 'San Salvador'
    He thought that that piece of land was part of Asia and named it San Salvador, but no riches were found so he decided to sail upward, towards Cuba/Hispanolia.
  • Dec 25, 1492

    Started to sail back to Spain

    Columbus smashed part of his 'Santa Maria' and had to leave 40 surviving men behind at a fort they named Navidad.
  • Mar 15, 1493

    Completed his first voyage

    Although he didn't find Asia, because of this amazing discovery to the west... 99% of South America, Cuba etc... wouldn't be Spanish