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Colonial timeline

  • 1565

    First permanent Spanish settlement is established at Saint Augustine

     First permanent Spanish settlement is established at Saint Augustine
    Is the oldest continuously inhabited European - established settlementWithin the borders of the Continental United States.
  • The Lost Colony

    The Lost Colony
    The men left for England for supplies and when he came back in 1587 the colony was abandoned.
  • Jamestown settlement is established

    Jamestown settlement is established
    This was the first permanent British settlement in North America.
  • Pocahontas and John Rolfe merry

    Pocahontas and John Rolfe merry
    There marriage settled peace between the Powhatan tribe and the Englishmen for several years
  • The house of burgesses formed

     The house of burgesses formed
    It is the first legislative assembly in the American colonies.
  • The Plymouth colony was founded

    The  Plymouth colony was founded
    The Plymouth colony was the first colonial settlement in new England founded in 1620
  • Thanksgiving celebration feast is held

    Thanksgiving celebration feast is held
    This feast is one of the first celebrations in the colonies.
  • North Carolina colony was founded

    North Carolina colony was founded
    The North Carolina colony was founded by Virginia colonists and it was located on the coast in the southern colonies
  • New Jersey colony founded

    New Jersey colony founded
    The New Jersey was originally called Province of New Jersey after the British island named Jersey
  • William Penn established Pennsylvania colony

     William Penn established Pennsylvania colony
    Willam Penn came to America in 1682.He established the Pennsylvania colony so people can enjoy my freedom and religion .