Colonial america

  • Roanoke

    Roanoke was the first attempt for English settlers at establishing a long term settlement in North America. They would become known as the lost settlement because suddenly everyone disappeared and nobody knows what happened. Theories are that they were killed from disease or the harsh winter or moved to a nearby island to live with natives. But The only thing that was left was a carving on a tree reading Croatian.
  • Jamestown

    Jamestown was the first permanent English settlement. They English settled in Virginia with the goal to get rich but that didn't go so well. But later John Rolfe came along and started to monopolize Tabaco and got very rich very fast it was known as the first cash crop.
  • connecticut

    Founded by all puritans. looking to trade and get land and get rich quickly. No other religions were allowed. Very strict if you were not puritan then you couldn't live in all of Connecticut. Which now seems absolutely crazy but for that time wasn't a crazy idea.
  • House of burgesses

    House of burgesses
    The house of burgesses is the first general assembly of the colonies. The assembly was established in Virginia. After the assembly the other colonies wanted their own elected bodies of a government. To become more independent and strong instead of completely relying on each other.
  • Mayflower Compact

    Mayflower Compact
    Self governing rules and laws put into a document. Was made by The English settlers. To build a tight knit community of basic laws but more importantly people being held responsible for their crimes or evasions.
  • New York

    New York
    New York was founded by the Dutch. Who previously named it New Netherlands. Was found and founded by Henry Hudson. The Dutch used this land to trade and fish. New Netherland quickly became populated from all the trade showing why it is still one of the biggest cities to this day.
  • Massachusetts bay colony

    Massachusetts bay colony
    The Massachusetts bay colony was founded by Puritans. Scrict religious beliefs. Either convert already be of the faith or you cant live here. Sometimes even put on trial for believing falsely.
  • Maryland

    Maryland was discovered and founded by Cecil Calvert and became a British colony. Most of the settlers were protestants even though the colony was made to be catholic. People came here to trade or find gold and get rich fast.
  • Rhode Island

    Rhode Island
    Rhode Island is a New England colony founded by Roger Williams. Rhode island is a colony with free religion. Then combined with the other 12 colonies and became the U.S senate.
  • Maryland toleration act

    Maryland toleration act
    British agreed to be very lenient with the trading laws in the colonies to make up for mistreatment and to encourage them to not revolt while the British was actually moving troop to be able to take out the revolution swiftly.
  • Carolina

    Founded by Charles the second. People came to Carolina from Virginia to get land and look for gold to get rich fast as most places. A southern Colony so became big on indentured servants for the use of producing cash crops.
  • Pennsylvania

    Was founded as a proprietary colony and was one of the first states to be named independent from Britain. This caused many big government meetings and discussions and buildings to be placed here because it was one of the first safe meeting places.
  • Boston rebellion

    Boston rebellion
    The Boston Rebellion was formed against Sir Edmund Andros. The main revolt is from people of boston gathering in Dominion which was the capital. Then after protesting and yelling at he capital demands began arresting dominion officials to charge them with crimes against the citizens.
  • Salem Witch trials

    Salem Witch trials
    The Salem Witch Trials were accusations of people using spirits, the devil or being a witch. So if there were any problems in Massachusetts with someone then you could just accuse them and their life would be ruined or ended. Out of the 30 found guilty 19 were hanged.
  • Great awakening

    Great awakening
    The great awakening is a revival of the power of the church. Calling people to faith and bringing them back into Christianity using fear and very aggressive sermons. This pushed the church further into science and control in the colonies.
  • French Indian war

    French Indian war
    Great Britain felt they were missing out on getting land in the chase for having part of North American and so instead of fighting against Spain or settled colonies. They just bulldozed off and Native Americans that were on the land they wanted.
  • Albany Plan

    Albany Plan
    The Albany plan was a plan created by Benjamin Franklin. The whole idea was to unify the 13 colonies to become stronger and create a unified system that's consistent and long term. The meeting for this plan was in Albany New York.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    Signed document that completely halted any movement to the west in North America. This focused trade between the 13 colonies instead of trade with the other nations.
  • salutary neglect

    salutary neglect
    The British allowed colonies trade laws to be lenient. This was set in place to keep the colonists loyal and allow their economy to flourish and become more obedient. The trade was the one good thing going for the colonists but they were still being taxed heavily. The British were only more lenient to not have a swift rebellion. Even though there was still a war this was a short term problem solver to keep the colonists at bay so the British could think of ways to suppress them even more.
  • Great migration

    Great migration
    Great Migration was an event of over 6 million African Americans out of the south to the northeast of the united states. The reason for this was to improve the quality life of African Americans because life was better in the north.