
  • Roanoke disappearance

    Roanoke disappearance
    In August of 1587 John White and 115 other English settlers left for roanoke to settle. Later that year John white left for supplies, when he came back in 1590 nobody was there. The only thing was the word croatan, which was a peaceful tribe that lived on the island.
  • Jamestown

    Jamestown was the first permanent English settlement in the Americas. It was founded in 1607 when about 100 English settlers moved to the Americas to start the colony. They landed on the banks of the James river.
  • House of burgesses

    House of burgesses
    House of Burgesses, representative assembly in colonial Virginia, which was an outgrowth of the first elective governing body in a British overseas possession, the General Assembly of Virginia. The General Assembly was established by Gov. George Yeardley at Jamestown on July 30, 1619
  • Great migration of puritans

    Great migration of puritans
    The great migration took place from 1620-1640 and it was when King Charles persecuted puritans so they had to move to America.
  • Massachusetts Bay colony

    Massachusetts Bay colony
    The Massachusetts Bay colony is credited for being the landing site of the pilgrims in Plymouth in 1620. It was named after the Native American tribe the Massachutte.
  • Mayflower/Plymouth/Mayflower compact

    Mayflower/Plymouth/Mayflower compact
    The Mayflower is one of the most famous ships to ever sail. It was one of the first ships pilgrims used to get to the Americas. They landed on Plymouth in 1620. When they landed a group of young men made the Mayflower compact, and on November 11, 1620 41 men and young men signed the mayflower compact.
  • New York colony

    New York colony
    New York, or New Amsterdam as it was originally called, was one of the original 13 colonies it was founded in 1624 by the Dutch west India trading company. Later Peter Stuyvesant became the new governor. It became a colony of England in 1674.
  • Carolina

    Carolina province was founded in 1633 as a part of England. It was one whole colony until it split in two.
  • Connecticut colony

    Connecticut colony
    Connecticut was one of the original 13 colonies, and one of the 6 New England colonies. It was colonized on March 3, 1633.
  • Maryland

    In 1632 King Charles 1 granted a charter to George Calvert to travel to America to start a colony. It became a religious puritan colony. It was named after the kings wife and consort of king Charles 1.
  • Rhode island

    Rhode island
    Rhode island was founded in 1636 by Roger Williams after he was kicked out of the Massachusetts Bay colony for religious freedom beliefs. He bought the land from the local Native Americans. On May 4, 1776 Rhode island was the first colony to pledge allegiance to the king of England.
  • Maryland Toleration act

    Maryland Toleration act
    In 1649 the Maryland toleration act was set in place to grant religious freedom to christian settlers. It was written by Baron Von Calvert
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Bacon's Rebellion
    Bacon's rebellion was an organized rebellion led by Nathaniel Bacon to overthrow the colonial governor William Berkley.It ended in one bloody mess and Bacon lost.
  • Pennsylvania

    Pennsylvania was one of the original colonies settled by William Penn to have a safe place of land away from the kings church for his people the Quakers.
  • Salem Witch trials

    Salem Witch trials
    The Salem Witch trials started in the spring of 1692. They were tests to see if accused woman were witches. It started in Salem Massachusetts, a small town in the early British colonies.
  • The Great Awakening/Enlightenment

    The Great Awakening/Enlightenment
    The Great Awakening was when English Christians brought faith back when the world was growing darker and darker. It took place in the 1730s and 1740s.
  • Albany plan

    Albany plan
    The Albany plan was a cartoon depicting a snake as the 13 colonies. The cartoon was made by Ben Franklin in an effort to unite the french and the colonies. The name of the cartoon was Join or Die.
  • French Indian War

    French Indian War
    The French Indian war started when the French and the English were deciding whether the upper Ohio river was English or not. It went from 1754-1763 and included many native american tribes that supported both sides. The British won the war in the end.
  • proclamation of 1763

    proclamation of 1763
    The Proclamation of 1763 was issued by the British at the end of the French and Indian War to appease Native Americans by checking the encroachment of European settlers on their lands. It created a boundary, known as the proclamation line, separating the British colonies on the Atlantic coast from American Indian lands west of the Appalachian Mountains. In the centuries since the proclamation, it has become one of the cornerstones of Native American law in the United States and Canada.
  • Salutary neglect

    Salutary neglect
    Salutary neglect was England's unofficial policy put in place by Robert Walpole. He created it to make the shipping rules less strict on the people.