College History I

  • Sep 2, 1492

    Columbus discovered America

    Columbus discovered America
    Columbus sets sail. Finds the Americas by accident.
  • Sep 6, 1513

    Balboa claims all land on Pacific Ocean for Spain

    Balboa claims all land on Pacific Ocean for Spain
    Settled on the land of Hispanolia. Crossed the Isthmus of Panama.
  • Sep 6, 1521

    Ponce de Leon explores Florida

    Ponce de Leon explores Florida
    Searched for the fountain of youth. Was lost at sea trying to leave Mexico.
  • Sep 6, 1532

    Pizarro crushes Incans

    Pizarro crushes Incans
    Captured the leader of the Incan tribe. Took advantage of their economic state.
  • Sep 6, 1534

    Cartier explores the St.Lawrence River

    Cartier explores the St.Lawrence River
    Was ordered by the King to find gold. Discovered an important waterway to Asia.
  • Sep 6, 1539

    De Soto explores the Southeast and discovers the Mississippi River.

    De Soto explores the Southeast and discovers the Mississippi River.
    Returned with treasures and was admitted into the Order of Santiago. Was in search of gold and silver.
  • Sep 6, 1540

    Cabrillo explores present-day Southwest.

    Cabrillo explores present-day Southwest.
    Cabrillo named San Salvador. He also explored the San Miguel Island.
  • Sep 6, 1542

    Cabrillo explores California coast for Spain

    Cabrillo explores California coast for Spain
  • Sep 6, 1558

    Elizabeth I becomes queen of England

    Elizabeth I becomes queen of England
    Queen Elizabeth encouraged exploration. United the United Kindom under Protestant rule.
  • Sep 6, 1565

    Spanish build fortress at St. Augustine.

    Spanish build fortress at St. Augustine.
    St.Augustine was the first European settlement.
  • Sep 6, 1565

    English crush Irish uprising

    English crush Irish uprising
  • Sep 6, 1577

    Drake circumnavigates the globe

    Drake circumnavigates the globe
    Drake became a pirate and an expert in stealing. Was knighted as for his abilities.
  • Raleigh founds Roanoke colony

    Raleigh founds Roanoke colony
    Roanoke colony is known as the 'Lost Colony'. They ran out of food and supplies and when the supplies ship came back, they were all missing.
  • England defeats Spanish Armada

    Spanish Armada was made of giant ships that were easy to take down in battle. During battle a storm blew through and lost them the war.
  • James I becomes king of England

    James I becomes king of England
    James I grants permission for the House of Burgesses. But does not want them to feel any sense of confidence and regrets his decision.
  • Spain and England sign peace treaty

    The treaty was intended to end the dispute about Columbus's return.
  • Virginia colony founded at Jamestown

    Virginia colony founded at Jamestown
    Jamestown was the first English settlement. They didn't think through their settlement and ran out of food and supplies.
  • Charles II restored to English throne

    Charles II restored to English throne
    Charles II took over after Cromwell. He restored the beliefs of Charles I.
  • French exploration down Mississippi River under La Salle

    French exploration down Mississippi River under La Salle
    In search of spices, treasures, and gold they searched the river. They weren't disappointed.
  • Georgia colony founded

    Georgia colony founded
    The Georgia colony was created by Oglethorpe. It was created to protect the Carolinas.
  • Peter Zenger Case

    The case showed how corrupt politics are. Zenger pleaded that he wrote the truth.
  • John Zenger tried with libel

    John Peter Zenger is tried or seditious libel. His lawyer convinces the jury that truth is a defense against libel.
  • Ben Franklin founds Fire Department

    Franklin begins Fire Department in Philadelphia.
  • George Whitefield spreads Great Awakening

    Churches become dull and loose hellfire effect. Relgion is questioned and predestination is doubted.
  • Trade in the the shores of Lake Erie

    British traders begin working shores of Lake Erie. This starts competition with French.
  • South Carolina Slave Revolt

    Slaves tried to march to Spanish Florida. They were stopped byt the militia.
  • England declares war on Spain

    England declares war on Spain. Florida Spaniards and Georgia and South Carolina colonists fight.
  • Philadelphia has highest population

    Philadelphia is the largest city in America at the time. Population is up to 13,000.
  • Slaves Hung in Charleston

    50 slaves are hung in Charleston, South Carolina. They had plans of another revolt.
  • Princeton University created.

    College of New Jersey founded. This is now called Princeton University.
  • Halifax founded

    Halifax, Nova Scotia founded.
  • Coal mine opens in Virginia.

    First American coal mine ever opens in Virginia.
  • Iron Act Passed

    The Iron Act is passed by the English Parliament. This limits the growth of the iron industry in the American colonies.
  • Currency Act Passed

    The Currency Act is passed by the English Parliament. This bans the issuing of paper money in the New England colonies.
  • French Indian War Erupts

    The French and Indian War starts. Washington leads American colonists to victory over the French.
  • Spain takes Louisiana

    Spain takes Louisiana from France.
  • Pontiac begins seige of Detroit

    Pontiac begins siege of Detroit. This starts other wars.
  • Patrick Henry recites speech

    Patrick Henry delivers his famous "Parsons" speech.
  • Proclamation of 1763 signed

    King George III signs the Proclamation of 1763. No English settlements west of the Appalachian Mountains.
  • Thomas Hutchinson Attacked

    Thomas Hutchinson Attacked
    A mob attacks the home of Thomas Hutchinson. His family escaped unharmed.
  • Stamp Act Congress meets

    Stamp Act Congress meets
    The Stamp Act Congress meets in NYC with a representative from nine colonies. They create a petition protesting the Stamp Act.
  • Seven Virginia Resolutions presented

    Seven Virginia Resolutions presented
    Patrick Henry says only Virginia can tax Virginia. He says that if it's treason he'll make the most of it.
  • The Stamp Act is passed

    The Stamp Act is passed
    The Act is passed by English Parliament. America's tax money goes straight to England instead of to their own legislatures.
  • The Quartering Act is passed

    The Quartering Act is passed
    This requires Americans to house British troops. It outrages families because most soldiers are rude and demanding and sometimes violent
  • The Sons of Liberty is formed

    The Sons of Liberty is formed
    This is an underground organization opposed to the Stamp Act.
  • Quartering Act refused

    Quartering Act refused
    NYC refuses to comply to the Quartering Act
  • Stamp Act repealed

    Stamp Act repealed
    King George repeals the Stamp Act after debate of English Parliament. Ben Franklin warned them of chance of a revolution if it wasn't repealed.
  • Violence breaks out between soldiers and colonists

    Violence breaks out between soldiers and colonists
    A battle breaks out between armed colonists and soldiers because they were refusing to comply to the Quartering Act
  • Massachusetts disolves general court

    Massachusetts disolves general court
    Legislature defies governer of massachusetts orders to revoke Adam's circular letter.
  • Violence between soldiers and the sons of liberty

    Violence between soldiers and the sons of liberty
    Violence breaks out between the colonists and soldiers over the posting of broadsheets.
  • Trial begins for Boston Massacre soldiers

    Trial begins for Boston Massacre soldiers
    They are represented by John Adams. They end up winning the case, only two are charged the rest are given a branding and let go.
  • Virginia House of Burgesses appoints an eleventh member

    Virginia House of Burgesses appoints an eleventh member
    Members of the committee include, Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry and Richard Henry Lee. A few months later New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut and South Carolina follow Virginia.
  • Tea act is in effect

    Tea act is in effect
    This puts a tax on all tea imports and exports. Its a huge tax revenue and colonists are outraged
  • Bostonians gather to hear Sam Adams

    Bostonians gather to hear Sam Adams
    Sam Adams tells them Royal Governor Hutchinson has repeated his command to not allow the ships out of the harbor until the tea taxes are paid.
  • Bostonions boycott British goods

    Bostonions boycott British goods
    Bostonions boycott the import and export of British goods after the Boston Port Bill was passed.
  • Coercive Acts is passed

    Coercive Acts is passed
    Americans call these the Intolerable Acts. All harbors are shut down until the tea taxes are paid.
  • Dutch recognize America

    Dutch recognize America
    Dutch recognizes America as a result of negotiations conducted in the Netherlands by John Adams.
  • Washington talks to his office about rebelling

    Washington talks to his office about rebelling
    Washington talks his office out of rebellion. In effect he preserves the American democracy.
  • No more slavery in Massachusettes

    No more slavery in Massachusettes
    The Supreme Court of Massachusetts abolishes slavery in Massachusettes
  • Land Ordinance of 1785

    Land Ordinance of 1785
    This said that the acreage of the Old Northwest will be sold and the profit would be used to pay off national debt.
  • Convention at Annapolis Maryland

    Convention at Annapolis Maryland
    Only five states showed up and it was canceled. It was a miserable fail.
  • Northwest ordinance of 1787

    Northwest ordinance of 1787
    This created the Northwest Territories. The land could be bought from the government by individuals.
  • Shays Rebellion

    Shays Rebellion
    Farmers from Massachusettes were being evicted. They were also being charged withhigh taxes, and imprisonment for debt. They take action and attack the Springflield arsenal.
  • Constitutional Convention

    Constitutional Convention
    THis is held in Philadelphia. George Washington is the chairman, they discuss contents of the constitution.
  • New Hampshire ratifies the Constitution

    New Hampshire ratifies the Constitution
    New Hampshire had rejected it before. It was the ninth state to ratify it.
  • George Washington for president

    George Washington for president
    Chosen by the electoral college. He is America's first president.
  • French National Assembly

    French National Assembly
    The French National Assembly creates the Declaration of Rights of Man. This presses for freedom of man in speech, press, and assembly.
  • Bill of rights

    Bill of rights
    the bill of rights is passed. A list of 10 basic amendments is ratified.
  • Proclamation of Neutrality

    Proclamation of Neutrality
    Washington opposes making allies or enemies in other countrys' wars. He encourages America to stay neutral and not be in favor of any certain countries
  • Battle of Fallen Timbers

    Battle of Fallen Timbers
    General Wayne leads army into the Battle of Fallen Timbers. He defeats the Indians. This opens up ohio to whote settlement.
  • Washingtons Farewell Address

    Washingtons Farewell Address
    Washington's Farewell Address was printed in the newspapers. In this he calls for America to be aware of getting involved with foreign affairs.
  • XYZ affair

    XYZ affair
    The French demand a $10 million loan and bribes or else France won't negotiate a treaty with the United States.
  • Alien and Sedition Acts

    Alien and Sedition Acts
    THis gives the president power to deport foreigners thought to be dangerous to our country. Immigrants could also be imprisoned.
  • Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions

    Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions
    The resolutions declare the Alien and Sedition Acts to unconstitutional. They provide the basis for the doctrine of states' rights.
  • George Washington dies

    George Washington dies
    George Washington died in his home at Mount Vernon. Lee delivers the most famous eulogy.
  • Jefferson becomes third president

    Jefferson becomes third president
    efferson and his running mate Aaron Burr had the same amount of electoral votes. The House or Representatives voted for Jefferson.
  • Embargo Act of 1807

    Embargo Act of 1807
    This stops all exports to Britain and France in protest of their wars interfering with our shipping.It was very uneffective and very unpopular.
  • Hartdford Convention

    Hartdford Convention
    Federalists cwant to repeal the 3/5s compromise. This limits presidents to one term and forbade presidents from all coming from the same state.
  • Treaty of 1812

    Treaty of 1812
    A peace treaty ending the War of 1812 is signed at Ghent, Belgium. There were no gains or losses in the treaty, making the war kind of pointless.
  • Jackson is a national hero

    Jackson is a national hero
    Jackson proves to be a hero at the Battle of New orleans.
  • Era of Good Feelings

    Era of Good Feelings
    Monroe is elected and he creates a 'one party' system.
  • Treaty of 1824

    Treaty of 1824
    The treaty of 1824 is passed. This promotes the protections of American Indutries.
  • American Society for the Promotion of Temperance

    American Society for the Promotion of Temperance
    American Society for the Promotion of Temperance founded in Boston. They stand against alcohol abuse.
  • Tariff of Abominations

    Tariff of Abominations
    Tariff is passed,raising the protective Tariff of 1824, passes through Congress. President Adams signs it.
  • South Carolina Exposition

    South Carolina Exposition
    Calhoun writes the South Carolina Exposition. It states that the Tariff of 1828 unconstitutional.
  • Election of 1828

    Election of 1828
    Andrew Jackson is elected President and his vice president is John Calhoun.
  • the Liberator.

    the Liberator.
    The Liberator is published. Written by Garrison
  • Force Bill

    Force Bill
    Proposed by Jackson t enforce the provisions of the Tariffs of 1828 and 1832.
  • The Female Anti-Slavery Society

    The Female Anti-Slavery Society
    Its organized in Philidelphia. The American Anti-Slavery Society is organized by Theodore Weld and Arthur and Lewis Tappan.
  • Compromise Tariff of 1833

    Compromise Tariff of 1833
    Created by Henry Clay.includes a gradual cutback in tariffs, The south is happy with this.
  • Jackson issues a proclamation against South Carolinaís threat to secede

    Jackson issues a proclamation against South Carolinaís threat to secede
    South Carolina raises a volunteer army unit to repel any invasions.
  • OverSpeculation of Land

    OverSpeculation of Land
    Over speculation of land begins. This is followed by land butchery.
  • Marshall dies

    Marshall dies
    john Marshall dies. Jackson chooses Taney to succeed him
  • Transcendentalism begins

    Transcendentalism begins
    Ralph Waldo Emerson publishes Nature-.he essay sets some of the ideas that are known as Transcendentalism.
  • Harrison dies

    Harrison dies
    Harrison dies after one month in office.JohnTyler becomes the president.
  • Harrison died

    Harrison died
    Harrison dies after a month of presidency. Tyler succeeds Harrison.
  • Aroostook war

    Aroostook war
    The Aroostook War over Maine boundary.
  • Polk wins election

    Polk wins election
    Polk defeats Clay in the Manifest Destiny
  • Texas annexation

    Texas annexation
    Texas is finally annexed into the United States
  • Mexican War begins

    Mexican War begins
    Congress declares war. Mexican troops attack U.S. troops over territory nearthe Rio Grande.
  • Uited States boundary

    Uited States boundary
    Mexico and US clash over the Texas boundary
  • United States settles

    United States settles
    the United States settles Oregon dispute. britain and America are on good terms
  • Seneca Falls Convention

    Seneca Falls Convention
    Women’s Rights Convention held in Seneca Falls, New York.Here they discuss womens rights.
  • Seneca Falls Convetion

    Seneca Falls Convetion
    Women’s Rights Convention held in Seneca Falls, New York.Here they discuss womens rights.
  • Guadalupe Hidalgo

    Guadalupe Hidalgo
    The treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo is created
  • Gold Rush

    Gold Rush
    The California Gold Rush begins. THousands move to California.
  • Taylor dies

    Taylor dies
    Taylor passes away. Fillmore succeeds Taylor.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    Includes the Fugitive Slave Law. Handled the issue of slavery in the North
  • Pierce wins election

    Pierce wins election
    Pierce beats Scott in run for presidency
  • Kansas- Nebraska Act

    Kansas- Nebraska Act
    Gave Kansas popular soverignty. Led to Bleeding Kansas.