Coles TimeLine

  • Manifest Destiny

    Manifest Destiny
    In 1816 John Melish made a map that showed America from coast to coast. Then in 1839 John'O Sullivan wrote a letter "The Great Nation of Furity." His letter says how we as a country are starting over and are getting bigger. God has choosen us to be great and has given us this land. Later John'O Sullivan wrote another letter "Annexation" In this letter he says that Texas is now ours and that it is part of our land. Pictured is a painting that was created for Manifest destiny.
  • Joseph Smith

    Joseph Smith
    Joseph Smith is the founder of the Mormons. he convinced people to join his religion because he said during his praying one day jesus came down to talk to him. Jesus told him that he was the choosen one. During his sleep Moroni told him to find the golden plates. The plates had the book of Mormon written on them. The plates were found on Hill Cumorah. He had the 2nd largest army in the U.S at the time. Joseph Smith pretty much had his own collony. Pictured is a painting of Joseph Smith.
  • Andrew Jackson 1830 Congress

    Andrew Jackson 1830 Congress
    In Andrew Jackson letter to congress he is pretty much trying to convince them to kick the Native Americans out so they do not get in the way of out westward expansion. He is also trying to persuade the people by show them the benefits it will have for them ,like more land for business and farming. More opportunities for new businesses and hunting or fishing. Pictured here is Andrew Jackson because he wrote the letter to congress which is what this summary is about.
  • Trail of Tears

    Trail of Tears
    The Trail of Tears is where the Native American were getting pushed westward during westward expansion. Thousands of Native Americans were getting forced to leave their homes. The Native Americans went in groups the first groups having horses and wagons the last groups having to walk. The Native Americans had to walk from Georgia to Oklahoma. It took them 3 to 5 months to do so. Many Native Americnas died in this miserable journey. The picture below was drawn to show what the trail looked like.
  • The Mormons

    The Mormons
    The Mormon Church was founded in Western New York in 1830 by Charles Granderson Finney in his belifes of christan perfection. This area was known as the Burned Over District. The church later started to branch off into many different religions and belifes. One of them was the Millerites. People folled Miller because he claimed he knew when the coming of God was. That is one of the religons that brached off from the Mormons. Pictued is one of the many Mormon churches.
  • The Alamo

    The Alamo
    The Alamo was most know for its great battle at the Alamo, but their was a lot more that lead up to it. It all started when Texas (hired) people empresarios to get people to come to Texas. The empresarios and the people that come over get land. After Texas had pulled all these people in they tried to shut off the boarder. The people did not like this so they tried to fight it. This later lead to the fight of the Alam where many pople died. Pictured is the Alamo years after the battle.
  • Mexican War

    Mexican War
    The Mexican arose in 1846 between Mexico and America. America out numbered the Mexicans with about 8,000 soldiers but that number grew quickly. President Polk sent the attack out of Washington D.C. The war got so heavy it cause the governor of New Mexico to retreat. The war was summed up by the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo. The United States gained New Mexico and California. Mexico was paid 15 million dollars by the United States. There were 13,000 deaths. Pictured is a mural of the Mexican War.
  • The Donner Party

    The Donner Party
    The Donner were traveling from Springfeild Illinois to California. There were approximately 87 poineers traveling this trip, they were led by George Donner. They are most know for eating each other and their pets becuase of starvation while crossing the Sierra Nevadas. Out of the 87 people that went only fifty percent survived. Pictured is some of the 87 settlers on 2 out of their 27 wagons that they took with them and packed with food, they also had to carry them up the mountains.
  • Brigham Young

    Brigham Young
    Brigham Young lead the Mormons to the Great Salt Lake Basin after the death of Joseph Smith. After the death of Joseph Smith he was president until he died. Brigham Young lead approximately 16,000 Mormon from Illinois to Utah. He made them share water and trees. There is also an University named after him called Brigham Young University. Most of the people that go to this school are Mormon. He went to Great Britian as a missionary from 1840-1841. Picture is a mural of Brigham Young.
  • Gold Rush

    Gold Rush
    In 1848 James Marshall found gold in California. The following year there was a near 80,000 people in California searching for gold. The people that came in for the gold built up town and would leave them, being know today as ghost towns. About 95% of the miners were young men. People made business off of them such as Levi Strauss, he made jean for them to wear. This later turned in a million dollar jean company which people still wear today. Pictured is a photo of miners searching for gold.