
Cole Waisner

  • Period: to

    cole waisners timeline!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • george washington comes into power

    george washington comes into power
    george washington was the first president of the united states of america because he lead america to independency and made a new nation that wasn't britain
  • George Washington delivers the first state of union address

    George Washington delivers the first state of union address
    George Washington signed first state of union address because he wanted to
  • bill of rights was ratified

    bill of rights was ratified
    the united states of america ratified the amendments `
  • us presidential success act

    us presidential success act
    a compromise for the presidents
  • france declares war on great britain

    france declares war on great britain
    france decided to declare war on great britain after the revolutionary war
  • congress changes flag to 15 stars and 15 stripes

    congress changes flag to 15 stars and 15 stripes
    there where more states and so they put more stars and stripes on the american flag
  • 11th amendment ratified on the constitution

    11th amendment ratified on the constitution
    the 11th amendment was ratified in the constitution that affirms power of states
  • congress refuses first petition from native americans

    congress refuses first petition from native americans
    the native Americans where petitioning for there rights
  • us passes alien act

    us passes alien act
    this act allows the president to get rid of dangerous aliens
  • BIG us populatiom

    BIG us populatiom
    5,308,483 was the population of america