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Cold War Timeline

  • Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

    Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
    The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics or the Soviet Union was believed to be the first country created to follow the Marxist theory of Communism. The new state created was a success in Russia at the time of creation.
  • Senator Joseph MacCarthy

    Senator Joseph MacCarthy
    Joeseph MacCarthy was a politician that accused others in the U.S of being Communist. While the elections were beig held, he knew he needed something that would get him votes so he said he had a list of 205 people in the sate department that were communist. After the election, people feared that there were communists all over the U.S. He later claimed he had a list of communists in the army. This made people think of him as a bad person and was cencured from the senate.
  • The Truman Doctorine

    The Truman Doctorine
    The Truman Doctorine was an announcment by Truman that stated the U.S will help any non-communist country that might be attacked or is being attacked by communist forces. One way this was accomplished was when the U.S sent large ammounts of money to Turkey and Greece.
  • Berlin Blockade

    Berlin Blockade
    The Berlin Blockade was created when the Soviets wanted to keep the French, British, and Americans from traveling to Berlin. Thr Berlin Wall was a wall that sourrounded Berlin, Germany.This limited supplies sent to Berlin. To fix this, airlifts were sent to drop supplies and food to berlin. The Berlin Wall was authorized by Nikita Khrushchev, the Premier of the Soviet Union at the time. He took over after Stalin's death and is also the person who came up with the idea of placing missles in Cuba.
  • Berlin Blockade 2

    Berlin Blockade 2
    At a time around when the Berlin Blockade was built, a plan called the Marshall plan was created. This plan was created by George C. Marshall and helped European countries rebuild after WWII. He did this in hope of the countries to not turn to communism.
  • NATO

    Also known as the North Atlantic Treaty Orginization, NATO was created in response of the Soviet threat. If the communists were to attack one of the nations in NATO, the rest of the nations would attack the communists. At the time, NATO contained twelve nations all in alliance and now today there are twenty eight. It was declared that if one of the nations attack another it means they are attacking all the nations. The NATO was a treaty between different Nations to help eachother fight communist
  • Korean War 3

    Korean War 3
    The UN (United Nations) was created after the failre of the league of nations. It was an alliance joined by twentys ix nations. Not much time before the Korean war, there was a couple named Julius and Ethel Rosenburg. These two were convicted of taking nuclear wapon blueprints and ideas. This gave people in the U.S a scare that there were Soviet spies in the U.S. In court the two were guilty and were sent to prsion. A few years later they werre executed.
  • Korean War Armictice

    Korean War Armictice
    The Korean war ended up in an armictice, meaning the two sides agreed to stop fighting. The 38th parallel was restored and North Korea stayed communist.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    The Korean War was a war between North and South Korea. This is the war split Korea in half and having communist and non-communist halfs. The Korean war started when North Korea attacked the south in hope of getting South Korea back. In response to this threat, the U.S helped South Korea fight back. Once the U.S sent troops, China also sent troops to add more fighting force.
  • Korean War 2

    Korean War 2
    When North Korea started to push back, Douglass MacArthur developed great strategies to keep fighting. By the end of the war there was no clear winner. In the end, the 38th parallel, the wall dividing North and South Korea, was restored. Along the border was a demilitarized zone, a no man's land. Each side of the zone is heavily fortified to this day. An important battle in the Korean war was the Landing at Inchon. During this battle, Seol was recaptured and a turning point for the UN.
  • Warsaw Pact

    Warsaw Pact
    The Warsaw Pact was a Treaty signed by eight European nations as an alliance. This Pact was a counteraction to the formation of NATO. An advantage this gave the Soviets was dominance in Europe and more fighting forces.
  • Vietnam war begins

    Vietnam war begins
    The Vietnam war is the longest war in U.S history. The war was between North and South Vietnam. The U.S sided with the non-communist South Vietnam against the Communist North Vietnam. The allies of North Viatnam were called the Viet Cong and their leader was Ho Chi Minh.Three million people were killed including fifty eight thousand Americans. During the war (1964) the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution was created. This was a joint resolution that was made in response to the Gulf of Tonkin incident.
  • Vietnam War 2

    Vietnam War 2
    During the war, America needed more soldiers to fight. In order to get more soldiers, Harry S. Truman set up a draft. Around the time period of the Vietnam war, NASA was created. NASA was created because when they figured out that the Soviets had launched the first sattlelite into space they wanted to get a man on the moon. Not to long after the Vietnam war began, another communism leader emerged named Che Guevara. He was one of the leaders of the Cuban Revolution.
  • John F Kenedy

    John F Kenedy
    John F Kenedy was elected president 1960. He made many contributions to the Cold War such as confronting and solving issues like the Vietnam war and the Cuban missle crisis.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    The Cuban missle crisis is the closest the world has been to a full out nuclear war. It was a thirteen day time period where Nukes were sent to Cuba and were only ninety miles from the U.S. In response to this JFK set up a naval blockade and prepared any military force. After the big scare of the nukes found in Cuba, a Russian leader stated Russia would remove the missles if the U.S would never invade Cuba again.
  • Cuban Missle Crisis 2

    Cuban Missle Crisis 2
    Before the crisis the Bay of Pigs invasion was planned by the CIA on Cuba.This invasion failed because of not being stealthy. A big mistake that was made was that the U.S landed in a ooublic park in Cuba and was spotted. The U.S got beat in this battle. Three yars before the crisis a man named Fidel Castro was elected to be the Cuban leader. While in rule, he made relations with the Soviets that led to the Cuban Missle Crisis.
  • The Tet Offensive

    The Tet Offensive
    The Tet Offensive was an attack by North Vietnam on cities on South Vietnam. America and South Vietnam fought back and could hold them off for a while but the Viet Cong finally defeated them. South Vietnam was tured communist two years later.
  • Salt Agreement

    Salt Agreement
    The Salt Agreement was a negotiation between U.S and the Soviets to limit strategic Arms such as limitation of the anti ballistic missle. This was a close end to the Cold End. During this time period there was a time period called detente, or rleased tentions. This is becuase at this time, tension between the U.S and Soviet Union were low.
  • Glasnost

    Glasnost was a program created by Mikhail S. Gorbachev, the former president of Russia. The program made changes to economic practices, internal affairs, and international relations. This program helped get rid of many communist countries throughout Wurope and end the Cold War.
  • Communism Collapses

    Communism Collapses
    On November ninth, nineteen eightynine, the Berlin Wall came down. This was one of the biggest icons that showed the end of Communism. The wall would not have fallen if it was not for Gorbachev. He wanted to focus things other than communism and soon enough, the Soviets fell and the Berlin Wall fell marking the end of the Soviets and communism. In addition, Ronald Reagan, the fortyth president of the U.S, created Star Wars or the SDI. This was an anti ballistic missle system in space.
  • Communism Collapses 2

    Communism Collapses 2
    Before the fall of Communism, the two main superpowers in the world were the U.S and the Soviet Union. With the fall of the Soviets, the Soviet Union was no longer a superpower.