Cold War Timeline

  • Berlin Airlift

    Berlin Airlift
    Soviet forces blocked railways, roads, and water access to areas controlled by allies in Berlin. So the US and UK airlifted foods etc to the people.
  • Creation of NATO

    Creation of NATO
    A group of countries formed to keep peace and security in the world by all agreeing to help one another.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    North and South Korea went to war after North Korea invaded South Korea
  • Creation of Warsaw Pact

    Creation of Warsaw Pact
    A Pact made to safeguard the members and increase military security
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    Communist North Vietnam battles the Viet Cong along with the United States in an effort to take over one another
  • Sputnik

    Russia launched the first artificial satellite into space
  • Construction of Berlin Wall

    Construction of Berlin Wall
    A wall constructed by the Soviet Union to separate Germany, US had the West Side and Soviet Union had the East
  • Cuban Missle Crisis

    Cuban Missle Crisis
    A direct confrontation between the US and Soviet Union that soon became an international crisis. The US had missiles planted in Italy and Turkey, so the Soviet Union planted similar missiles in Cuba
  • Moon Landing

    Moon Landing
    Soviet Union landed Luna 2 on the moon, the US landed the first crewed moon landing
  • Destruction of the Berlin Wall

    Destruction of the Berlin Wall
    This was marked as the end of the Cold War, East Berlin communist party said people are free to pass over the wall. People began to destroy it and reunite with their families