Cold War Timeline

  • Deng Xiaoping

    Deng Xiaoping
    He was a chinese revolutionary and statesman. He was the paramount leader of The People's Public Of China. Connection: he was responsible for economic reforms and an opening to the global economy.
  • Russian Communist Revolution

    Russian Communist Revolution
    Bolshevik leader led his leftist revolutionaries in a revolt against the Provisional Government. Connection: Stalin became leader of USSR and they began to modernize.
  • Treaty of Versialles

    Treaty of Versialles
    This is the treaty that ended World War I. This treaty placed all of the blame on Germany and required them to pay for the reparations.
    Connections: These harsh conditions angered Germany and led to the rise of totalitarian dictators such as Hitler and Stalin, and eventually leads to the start of communism and the Cold War.
  • League of Nations

    League of Nations
    The League of Nations is an organization established after WWI in order to promote international cooperation and peace.
    Connection: The League of Nations was the organization that created the Treaty of Versailles, ending the WW but also leading to the rise of totalitarian dictators and communism.
  • Chinese Communist Revolution

    Chinese Communist Revolution
    The culmination of the Chinese Communist Party's drive to power. It was an attempt to spread communism.
  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    The Yalta Conference was a meeting between Churchill, Stalin, and Roosevelt. This meeting was organized to decide post war plans.
    Connection: Stalin breaks his promise about free elections in Eastern Europe and installed satellite nations.
  • General Assembly

    General Assembly
    The General Assembly is the main policy making branch of the UN. The General Assembly allows for equal representation; everyone has one vote and anyone can veto any proposition for any reason.
    Connection: Not much could ever get done in the General Assembly because everyone had the right to veto.
  • United Nations

    United Nations
    The seond attempt at creating a collective security system; maintain status quo of the international world order. Connection: after WWll, most of the world split into two camps, U.S. and Soviets.
  • Nuremburg Trials

    Nuremburg Trials
    12 Nazis were sentenced to death from the Holocaust. Great Britain, France, Soviet Union, and United States were all allied powers- presided over hearings of 22 major Nazi criminals. Connection: by the end of WWll, 6 million European Jews along with 4-6 million non-Jews were murdered.
  • Iron Curtain Speech

    Iron Curtain Speech
    Sir Winston Churchill visited Westminister College as the Green Lecturer and delivered "Sinews of Peace," a message heard around the world. Connection: Stalin announced the speech as "war monegering" and racist. British, U.S., and Russian allies were drawing the battle lines of the Cold War.
  • Baruch Plan

    Baruch Plan
    Based on the Acheson-Lilienthal Report to the United Nations Atomic Energy Commision. Connection: plan proposed to extend beween all countries the exchange of basic scientific information for peaceful ends, implement control of nuclear power to the extent necessary to ensure its use for only peaceful purposes.
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    The Truman Doctrine was a foreign policy declaring that the US would provide political, economic, and military aid to nations that were threatened by communism.
    Connection: The Truman Doctrine strengthened capitalism and democracy and is a primary example of containment.
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    The Marshall Plan, also known as the European Recovery Program, gifted $13B to European nations to help their economy. These nations were required to spend the money they received only on American goods.
    Connection: This plan was very successful for both the European nations, but also for the United States production of goods. This money helped multiple nations economically grow and defend against communist parties that were trying to influence Western nations.
  • Berlin Airlift

    Berlin Airlift
    The Berlin Airlift was a military operation that supplied food and other goods to West Berlin by aircraft during the Berlin Blockade. A US aircraft landed every 45 seconds. The Berlin Airlift started June 24th, 1948 and ended May 12th, 1949.
    Connection: The Berlin Airlift was an embarrassment and failure for the Soviets. The Berlin Airlift proved that Western capitalistic ideologies would sustain efficiently with the help of the US.
  • NATO

    The purpose is to safeguard the freedom and security of its members through political and military needs; stands for North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Connection: NATO was formed because of communist expansion. The alignment of nearly every European nation into one of the two opposing camps provided the framework for the military standoff that continued throughout the Cold War.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    A war between North Korea, supported by the Soviets and China, and South Korea, supported by the United States. North Korea wanted to unify with South Korea, forming one big communistic nation.
    Connection: This war was an attempt to spread communism in Korea. This war was also an example of a proxy war since there was no direct fighting.
  • Warsaw Pact

    Warsaw Pact
    A military treaty between the Soviets and 7 of their communistic satellite nations essentially promising an alliances and making a mutual defense organization.
    Connection: This was the Soviets response to the formation of NATO. When NATO sought out West Germany the Warsaw Pact warned that they would take new measures of security. There was a lot of tension between these two organizations.
  • Sputnik Launch

    Sputnik Launch
    Launched by Soviet Union and was the first artificial Earth satellite. Connection: competition and nationalism between U.S. and Russia.
  • Nuclear Deterrent

    Nuclear Deterrent
    U.S. and Soviet Union each built a stockpile of nuclear weapons. Connection: U.S. adopted nuclear deterrence, the credible threat of retaliation to forestall enemy attack.
  • Bay of Pigs

    Bay of Pigs
    The Bay of Pigs is a military operation in Cuba with the intention to overthrow a swelling communistic government run by Fidel Castro. This operation resulted in US failure.
    Connection: This failure helped to strengthen Castro's leadership role in Cuba and spread communistic ideologies.
  • MAD

    MAD: Mutually assured destruction. Nuclear policy stating that the use of nuclear weapons would result in the destruction of both opposing sides
    Connection: This is what kept this war cold instead of hot. This was like nuclear deterrence, both sides knew the repercussions of using nuclear weapons on the other so therefore it created a fear for the worst.
  • Building of the Berlin Wall begins

    Building of the Berlin Wall begins
    A wall constructed of barbed wire and concrete dividing West and East Berlin due to the mass immigration of citizens leaving East Berlin and going to Western Berlin.
    Connection: The wall angered a lot of people and added a lot of tension to the war. The Berlin wall was an attempt to stop the spread of capitalism. This wall was also significant because it could be used as a comparison of the different ideologies (capitalism -vs- communism) You could truly see how different each side was.
  • Berlin Wall

    Berlin Wall
    The Berlin wall was a guarded barrier divided Western and Eastern Berlin. Khrushchev was the one that ordered the construction of the wall. The wall was also called Anti-Fascist Protective Wall.
    Connection: The Berlin Wall limited capitalism in the Eastern portion of Berlin and also reduced the emigration of citizens leaving East Berlin for West Berlin.
  • Fidel Castro Proclaims Communist Cuba

    Fidel Castro Proclaims Communist Cuba
    Tried to get Soviet help. Connection: Eisenhower's approval of covert actio against the Castro Regime.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    13 day political and military standoff between U.S. and Soviet Union over the installation of nuclear-armed Soviet missiles on Cuba, just 90 miles from U.S. shores. Connection: U.S. agreed to Kruschev's offer to remove Cuban missiles in exchange for U.S. not to invade Cuba.
  • U.S sends troops to Vietnam

    U.S sends troops to Vietnam
    More U.S. troops were sent to Vietnam after an alleged attack on U.S. naval ships that were stationed in the Gulf of Tonkin. This event gave the president the authority to control military action due to Johnson's desire to do whatever it takes to stop the spread of communism.
    Connection: This event drew the U.S. deeper into Vietnam and increased the tension.
  • Apollo 11

    Apollo 11
    It was a space race between U.S. and Soviet Union. Mission to complete the first manned lunar landing. Connection: United States won the space race.
  • Kent State shootings

    Kent State shootings
    Shooting of unarmed college students protesting the Vietnam War. Connection: The invasion of Cambodia by the United States and the need to draft 150,000 more soldiers for and expansion of the Vietnam War effort.
  • SALT I & II

    SALT I & II
    SALT: Strategic Arms Limitation Talks. These meetings froze the number of American and Soviet missile launchers as well as the capabilities of these missiles.
    Connections: These meetings were an attempt to limit the US and Soviet Union arms race, but they were ineffective.
  • Fall of Saigon

    Fall of Saigon
    The capture of y of Saigon (capital of South Vietnam) by the people's army of Vietnam and the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam. Connection: Proceeded by evacuation of almost all American Civilian and military personell in Saigon.
  • Margaret Thatcher

    Margaret Thatcher
    British stateswomen who served as Prime Minister of the UK. Connection: leader of the Conservative Party.
  • Pope John Paul II

    Pope John Paul II
    He was the Catholic Pope from 1978-2005. He was nicknamed Saint John Paul the Great. He was the second longest serving pope.
    Connection: One of the primary reasons for the FALL of communism. He met with the Soviet leader, Gorbachev and expressed his respect for him. Pope John Paul II began a peaceful revolution and encouraged people to demand change.
  • Soviets invade Afghanistan

    Soviets invade Afghanistan
    Soviet Union sent thousands of troops into Afghanistan and assumed complete military and political control. It was the watershed event of the war and the only time Soviets invaded a country outside the Eastern Bloc.
  • Fall of the Berlin Wall

    Fall of the Berlin Wall
    The Fall of the Berlin wall was merely the destruction of the Berlin Wall. Citizens were now free to cross the boarder dividing West and East Berlin. Television broadcasted citizens demolishing portions of the wall themselves.
    Connection: The destruction of the Berlin Wall scared many communistic politicians. Berlin was very tense. The reunification of Germany happened about a year after the Berlin Wall was removed.
  • Lech Walesa

    Lech Walesa
    A polish politician that co-founded the idea of Solidarity and became the second Polish president.
    Connection: He helped to bring down the communistic government in Poland. He organized anti-communistic protests and promoted democracy.
  • START I & II

    START I & II
    START: Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty. START is a series of two meetings; START I was between the US and the Soviets limiting the number of strategic offensive arms and START II was between the US and Russia
    Connection: START I & II reduced the competition between the US and the Soviets plus Russia.
  • Non-Profileration Agreement

    Non-Profileration Agreement
    To prevent the spread of nuclear weapons amd weapons technology, to promote cooperation in peaceful uses of nuclear energy, and to further the goal of achieving nuclear disarmament and general and complete disarmament. Connection: treaty refines nuclear weapon states: those that have built and tested a nuclear explosive device before January 1, 19767: U.S., Russia, UK, France.