
Cold War Timeline

By Izzyair
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    The Truman Docturin was used to help rebuild the democratic nations in Europe. Truman saw this as a way to ensure our support if war were to break out.
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    Stalin created the Marshall pact to ensure the safety of his and seven other nations. It was basacally the Truman Docterin but for comunist.
  • Take over

    Take over
    Communist took over Czechoslvakia in hopes to spread their government. This didn;t sit well with the Democracy.
  • Truman is paranoied

    Truman is paranoied
    Truman started to get suspicious of everyone in America. He did not know who was truly loyal or who was a Red in disguise.
  • Berlin Blockade

    Berlin Blockade
    Many of East German people went over to the wast side of Berlin trying to get jobs. The Soviet Union didn't like this and put a blockade on West Berlin in hopes of driving all the people out, this lasted 11 mounths and ultimatly failed.
  • Russian bomb

    Russian bomb
    Thsi was the start of the arms race between Russia and the United States. Russia had created their first nucluar bomb and America wanted to make something bigger.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    Korea was Split between America and Russia, this caused problems. North Korea eventually tried to take over South Korea and make them whole, but both sides had different governments.
  • Korean war stops

    Korean war stops
    This war took three years and never officaly won or lost by either side. The war came to a stand still and both agreed to leave each other alone.
  • Sputnik Launched

    Sputnik Launched
    Spudnik was a satilite sent into orbit by the Soviet Union. This resulted in the U.S. starting the NASA program.
  • Berlin wall

    Berlin wall
    Russia constructed the Berlin wall to seperat the different parts of Berlin. This cased lots of pain as if anyone attempted to cress they could be shot.