Cold War Timeline

  • Berlin Blockade/Airlift

    Berlin Blockade/Airlift
    :As World War II came to an end in 1945, the Allied powers held peace conferences at Yalta and Potsdam to determine how they would divide up Germany’s territories. : In June 1948, the Russians–who wanted Berlin all for themselves–closed all highways, railroads and canals from western-occupied Germany into western-occupied Berlin.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    :The Jorean War started out with 75,000 soldiers from the north korean peoples army poured across the 38th paralle. :It was the neighbor of Manchuria had been of great importance to the USSR, the PRC (People's Republic of China) and Japan since the nineteenth century.
  • Sputnik

    :The Soviet Union inaugurates the Space Age with its launch of Sputnik the world’s first artificial satellite.
    :The first U.S. satellite, Explorer, was launched on January 31 1958.
  • Bay of Pigs

    Bay of Pigs
    :The Bay of Pigs invasion begins when a CIA financed and trained group of Cuban refugees lands in Cuba.
    :Castro’s attacks on U.S. companies and interests in Cuba, his inflammatory anti-American rhetoric.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    :The Cuban Missile Crisis begins on October 14, 1962, bringing the United States and the Soviet Union to the brink of nuclear conflict.
    : Soviet Union would come as close to nuclear war as they ever had, and a fearful world awaited the outcome.
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    :The Vietnam War is the commonly used name for the Second Indochina War 1954 1973. Usually it refers to the period when the United States and other members of the SEATO.
    : The Chinese pulled out of North Vietnam in 1946 and the party of Ho Chi Minh took over the Viet Minh.