cold war ends rise of the super powers this one

  • 1957 Oct. Soviets launch first man‑made satellite.

  • cold war starts 1947

    cold war starts 1947
    cold war begins 1947
  • 1948 Berlin Airlift begins (ends May 19, 1949)

  • 1949 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) established. Aug. Soviet Union explodes its first atomic bomb. Oct. Communists win Chinese Civil War.

  • 1950 June U.S. and other U.N. members fight North Korean forces. (the Korean War ends July 27, 1953)

  • 1953 Aug. U.S. sponsored coup overthrows Iranian government.

  • 1954 June U.S. sponsored coup overthrows Guatemalan government. Sept. Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) formed.

  • 1955 May Warsaw Pact formed. July First Summit Meeting between President Dwight Eisenhower and Premier Nikita Khrushchev.

  • 1956 Nov. Red Army crushes the Hungarian Revolution.

  • 1959 Feb. Fidel Castro becomes premier of Cuba, installs Communist government.

  • January - A rifle which magnetically accelerates rounds is outfitted by the Legion as a heavy weapon

  • April - Transgenic crops replace the last natural crops farmed in the Inca state. This completes a five year modernization program of their agricultural industry

  • May - Maya launch their own space telescope

  • October - The Osiris satellite is sent into high-Earth orbit. It is the first space based telescope ever launched.

  • January - An unmanned Roman probe, Luna , safely lands on the surface of the Moon. The entry was designed to mimic the one planned for the Artemis Program, as well as to take large quantities of scientific date of the Lunar surface.

  • January - Maya scientists discover a new allotrope of carbon that has approximately 100 times the strength of noricum, and one sixth its weight. Funding is immediately put into discovering a method of mass production

  • March - First line of Mongolian single-wing bombers go into production

  • May - Plans for the A-4 Heavy-Vulcan missiles and A-5 Phoínix rockets are completed. A-4 contain a single 53 megaton pure-fusion warheard, whilst the A-5 launches 20 individual 121 kiloton pure-fusion warheads over a wide area

  • 1989

    berlin wall falls
  • 1991

    cold war is over