Climate Change Responces on a Global Scale

By ah137
  • Earth Summit June 1992

    The United Nations held a meeting in Rio de Janeiro which had been since the Earth Summit. This is because it was at this meeting that a number of decisions were made by the most powerful countries in the world about the responses to climate. The result of the meeting was the first international environment treaty which aimed to stabilise greenhouse gases emissions.
  • Kyoto Protocol

    It was signed in the coference Kyoto conference in 1887. Countries that signed and ratified the protocol agreed to cut greenhouse gas emisssions by 5.2% composed with 1990 level gloally. each chountry agreed a national limit on emissions which rangesd 8% for the 7% in the USA, 6% for Japan and 0% for Russsia and 10% for Iceland and 8% for Austrailia as they were not using all there allowance.
  • Kyoto Protocol action

    In order to achiev their targets countries could either cut emissions or trade with other countries in carbon. this means that a countrie could buy carbon credits. For e.g. Iceland For example trade 2% of its EU to meet their target of 8%. By 2008 181 countries had signed the Kyoto Protocol.
  • Bali conference

    In December took place on the Island Bali in Indonesia where representatives were more that 180 countries were presernt. The resut of the meeting was the Bali Roadmap in ehich inititives were agreed to try to reach a secure future climate.