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By Kaleyah
  • Colonial Classrooms

    Colonial Classrooms
    In colonial schools children were taught by hand on reading and writing. The girls were taught to cook and clean and how to take care of their house. The teacher would show them how to cook by cooking and then letting them try. In colonial schools boys were taught to read and write.
  • Classrooms in the 1700’s

    Classrooms in the 1700’s
    The 1700s proved to be a dramatic shift for education, developing a curriculum for the fine arts as well as showing signs of educational reform for women and African Americans. The profile of today’s college student has changed dramatically. People are now able to tend to a family while pursuing a degree online.
  • One through eight taught in the same room

    One through eight taught in the same room
    In the 1800s a single teacher taught grades one through eight in the same room. Areas were just too sparsely populated to provide multiple classrooms, so towns built one-room schools about 20-by-30 feet large. Sometimes older kids helped teach the younger kids.
  • 1900s

    By 1900, the books used in the Grammar and Primary Schools in Hampton, as noted in the report ending February 8, 1902, covered the "basics" of a public education, with an emphasis on reading, writing, and arithmetic and a bow to history and physiology.
  • 2000’s

    During the early years of the 20th century, the prevalent model of schooling was an 8-year elementary school and a 4-year high school. In 1910, a different structure for schooling was introduced, based on a six–three–three system. ... The 20th century also saw a series of reforms that changed what schooling looked like.
  • The start of technology

    The start of technology
    Classrooms were more based around technology in the 2010’s era. More use of projectors and computer to do class work.
  • Online classroom

    Online classroom
    With COVID-19, schools are rapidly changing the basic way they do their work. Some have become old-fashioned correspondence schools, with the vast majority of interaction happening by written mail. Others have tried to recreate the school setting online using digital tools like Zoom. Others are in-between, directing students to online tutoring and practice programs.