
Clash of Cultures

  • Sand Creek Massacre

    Sand Creek Massacre
    The Sand Creek Massacre was a horrible event in the conflict between whites and Natives. A force of 700 white men attacked and destroyed a friendly Cheyenne and Arapaho village. When they attacked they killed and estimated 70–163 Native Americans. About 2/3 of them were women and children.
  • Medicine Creek Treaty

    Medicine Creek Treaty
    The Medicine Creek Treaty was signed just outside of Medicine Creek Kansas. The treaty included many Native American tribes. It stated that the Natives would move onto reservations as long as the United States supplied them with food, supplies, and shelter. The United States didnt follow through with their side of the deal and ended up settling on many of the reservations.
  • 2nd Treaty of Ft. Laramie

    2nd Treaty of Ft. Laramie
    The 2nd Treaty of Ft. Laramie was an agreement with the United States and the Lakota,Yanktonai, Sioux, and Arapaho. The treaty said that the land around the Black Hills could be lived in by the Native Americans. This treaty also ended Red Could's War.
  • Ghost Dance Movement Begins

    Ghost Dance Movement Begins
    The original ghost dance movement was started in 1870 by a Native named Gray Hair. He said that if the Natives would all do this dance then everything would go back to normal and all the buffalo would return. Some whites thought that this was a dance of war and some battles broke out.
  • Battle of Palo Duro Canyon

    Battle of Palo Duro Canyon
    The 4th US Calvery was trying to find Native American villages settling in the bottom of the canyon. When they located the Natives, they attacked. Many Natives fled for the open fields. The casualties were light but the Native Americans lost their shelter and supplies.
  • Battle of the Little Big Horn

    Battle of the Little Big Horn
    The Battle of the Little Big Horn was a battle between the Lakota, Northern Cheyenne, and Arapaho tribes against the 7th Calvery Regiment of the US Army. The regiment was led by General Custer. The battle lasted two days and was devestating for the US. Out of the 700 soldiers, there was around 300 casualties.
  • Relocation of the Nez Perce

    Relocation of the Nez Perce
    In May of 1877, the US Government ordered the moving of the Nez Perce tribe onto a reservation by June 14. Chief Joseph and other Nez Perce leaders decided it would be better for them to try and escape to Canada then to live on a reservation. Over 2,000 white soldiers pursued them for over 1000 miles until they were finally caught at Bear Paw, Montana.
  • Capture of Geronimo

    Capture of Geronimo
    Geronimo was an Apache Native American that traveled with a band of criminals called the Chiricahua. They would raid white peoples homes and take their belongings. During the final campain to catch Geronimo, over 5000 men were sent out to capture him. He was finally found months later at the Cañon de Los Embudos in Sonora, Mexico.
  • Wounded Knee Massacre

    Wounded Knee Massacre
    US troops went into a Lakota camp to disarm them and take their guns. It is rumored that a deaf Native didnt know what was going on and accidently fired a shot. This sent everyone into a mass panic. The troops open fired on everyone they saw. They shot men, women, children, and even their own men. It is said that at least 300 people were killed.