Clash of Cultures

  • Sand Creek Massacre

    Sand Creek Massacre
    A Colorado Territory militia attacked and destoryed a village of Cheyenne and Arapaho tribes. About 2/3 of Native American women and childern were killed. Some people know this as either a battle or as a massacre.
  • Medicine Lodge Treaty

    Medicine Lodge Treaty
    It is the names for three treaties signing between the United States government and the Southern Plain Indian tribes. Used to bring peace to the area by relocating the Native Americans to reservations in Indian territory and away from European American settlements. The Kiowa, Comanche, Kiowa-Apache, the southern Cheyenne, and Arapaho all signed the treaty.
  • 2nd Treaty of Fort Laramie

    2nd Treaty of Fort Laramie
    An agreement between the United States and the Lakota people. It gave the Lakota people ownership of the Black Hills. It also gave the Lakota tribes hunting rights in South Dakota, Wyoming, and Montana. The treaty ended Red Clouds war.
  • Battle of Palo Duro Canyon

    Battle of Palo Duro Canyon
    Colonel Mackenzie led the United State Cavalry against the Cheyenne, Comanche, and Kiowa tribes. They fought in the Palo Duro Canyon in Texas. The Untied States deystoried the Native Americans in the battle. The lost of the Palo Duro camps is the lost of the Indians safe haven and all of their winter supplies.
  • Battle of the Little Bighorn

    Battle of the Little Bighorn
    A battle between the United State Army and the united forces of the Lakota, Northern Cheyenne, and the Arapaho tribes. The Native Americans won this battle led my Crazy Horse. General Custer was killed in this battle and he was a major leader for the United States Army.
  • Relocation of the Nez Perce

    Relocation of the Nez Perce
    The United States government ordered the Nez Perce to relocate to the new reservations by June 14. Fighting broke out and the Nez Perce tried to flee to Canada. The United States caught them and they surrendered at Bear Paw, Montana. They ran for 1,100 miles before being caught.
  • Capture of Geronimo

    Capture of Geronimo
    Geronimo was captured my General George Crook but he later escaped on the way to the Untied States. General Gate Wood met with Geronimo. Gerionimo surrendered on September 3 to United States authorities.
  • Ghost Dance Movement Begins

    Ghost Dance Movement Begins
    The Ghost Dance Movement was a new religious movement which inncorporated many Native American beliefe system. It is a traditional ritrul that has been used for many years by the Native Americans. According to Jack Wilson the dance will reunite living with the spirits.
  • Wounded Knee Massacre

    Wounded Knee Massacre
    This Massacre accured near Wounded Knee Creek on the Lakota Pine Ridge reservation in South Dakota. This was the last battle of the American Indian War. On December 29, troops went into the camps to disarm the Lakota. Guns were fired and the United States Calvary started shooting everybody.