Clara F Ferreira

  • Exchange between John Smith and Powhatan

    When John Smith arrived in America he wanted to explore all food, at the same time the Natives wanted to have more access to weapons. Also this exchange revealed the roots of conflict between settlers and Indians which they had a friendship in the begining, and there were different points o views about personality, business and ways to make money but it was ruined because the promises to not start a war were broken.
  • Bacon`s Rebellion

    Bacon` s Rebellion was a controversion event that happened in the colony of Virginia which the lider was Nathaniel Bacon, a planter who called for the removal of all Indians from the colony and a reduction of taxes because of the government of William Berkeley which had run a corrupt regime. Aulthought Bacon wanted to limbered people from the corruption and the high taxes from the government, he ended up enslaving others and spreading racism in America, resulting in many dealths
  • Glorious Revolution

    Glorious Revolution was a pacific revolutionary movement. It was through this revolution that the exchange of monarchical absolutism for the parliamentary monarchy took place in England. Its main causes were Political conflicts between Protestants and Catholics, James II's political actions towards achieving a restoration of absolutism in England, which was weakening. Protestants did not accept the strengthening of Catholicism and the continuity of absolutism.
  • English Bill of Rights

    The Bill of Rights was a document established and approved by the Parliament of England. This document limited the king's power in England, increasing the power of Parliament by emphasing that monarchs could not create laws, impose taxes, courts and armies without the Parliament`s consent. The ideas established in this document would later help shape the American Bll of Rights which spells out the rights of the people of the US in relation to their government.
  • Salem Witch Trails

    The event happened in Salem Village, New England. In the 17th century witchcraft was a serious crime, and because of some reasons like jealous, religion, government power and social classes, a lot of women were accused of being witches and there were hangins for all town to watch.
  • Enlightenment

    The Enlightenment was an influential cultural, social, philosophical and political process that happened in the 1700s in Europe. Some thinkers believed that natural laws, logic and rationalism (use of reason) could applied to social, political and economic relationship. Also, The causes of the Enlightenment were the Commercial and Cultural Renaissance, the strengthening and rediscovery of the racial view of the world, coming from Greek philosophy, added to the rise of the bourgeoisie
  • Triangular Trade and Rise of Cities

    The Triangle Trade was a three ways of exchange of goods. In this case, New England used to merchants fish, meat and lumber to Caribbean. At the same time, they received raw sugar and bills of exchange from England merchants. Also, New England would trade it for hardware and linens. The trade with the Caribbean sugar plantations made the New England merchants rich, so they built factories to refine raw sugar to turn it into rum and rice so they could send it to the Southern colonies.
  • Sugar Act

    The Sugar Act was passed by the English Parliament with the aim of ending smuggling and protecting English farmers living in the Antilles. The sugar that entered (exported) in the United States of America was taxed, so it was allowed to buy sugar exported only from the English Antilles. Another objective was to encourage settlers to consume only sugar marketed directly from the English. So the taxes that they had to pay on molasses, the sea, the coffee, the luxury items increased.
  • Stamp Act

    In 1765, the English crown created a law for its thirteen colonies in North America in which it determined that all printed material (newspapers, magazines, etc.) in the colony should have a printed seal purchased from England to circulate legally. The main objective of the Stamp Act was to increase the collection of taxes on the colonies and therefore increase the coffers of the British crown.
  • Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre happened on March 5,1770 and was a violent reaction by American soldiers against the protest of colonists who tried to fight for their rights. During the violent riot, British soldiers fired on the crowd protesting against poor living conditions and high taxes, which resulted in the deaths of five people and six others were injured. There is two points of view about this event, about the colonists having rights or not to fight against the low taxes
  • Tea Act

    The Tea Act was one of many tariff laws enacted by England against the interests of its colonies, in a set of laws that became known as "Intolerable Acts". It increased tea taxes and prevented American settlers from negotiating tea with another country, so they could only negotiate with England.Outraged by the situation, they poured a whole shipment of tea into the ocean at what became known as the Boston Tea Party.
  • Boston Tea Party

    In 1773, American settlers decided to react against England's new taxes. Disguised as Indians, they mingled with harbor workers in Boston, and threw all the India Company tea shipment into the sea. This boycott was organized by the pro-independence group. After the event, the British government punished the inhabitants of Boston, closing the city's harbor and delegating to the military the right to occupy civilian homes.
  • First Continetal Congress

    The First Continental Congress was a convention of delegates from 12 of the thirteen colonies (with the exception of Georgia) held on September 10, in Philadelphia. It basicaly affirmed the sovereighty of associations and tried to cancel the Intorable Acts. However, the congress did not solved the crisis so the delegates decided to hold a Second Continental congress to resolve the porblem with the taxes.
  • Battle of Lexington and Concord

    This Battle happened in Massacusetts and was the first one and was also the beginning of the American Revolution. Everything started when the British patrol arrived with troops to seize the colonists’ military stores at Concord. However, they found out that most of the military supplies had been removed before the British arrived. The fight broke and then the British were forced to retreat so all the Americans had they first victory.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    The Battle of Bunker Hill happened in Charlestown (now Boston) and was the first major battle in the American Revolution since the fact that it helped to build American confidence and it encourage the revolutionary cause. Although the British attacked the colonits, at some point they realised that they lost a lot of soldiers which prove it that the American army could faced and the British troops. Because of this, that battle ended up being a stalemate because the American army also retreated.
  • Battle of Trenton

    The Battle of Trenton happened in New Jersey between December 1776 to January 1777 and it represented the first successes won by George Washington. Althoght the troops had to go though a hard journey, the battle was short and the Americans did not lose a lot of soldiers. That fact enabled to restored Americans morable and confidence. Also, after the war the Amerian campaign started to emphasis and demostrated that the Continental army could fight and win against the British troops.
  • Common Sense

    Common Sense was a pamphlet written by Thomas Paine who later fight against the Britishin the American independence war. In his book, he questioned the authority and power of the British government. His language was to encourage the colonists to ask for independence from Great Britain an it was the first work to openly talk about independence. Paine emphasis that most of the information people should already know, he also wrote that the revolution would be great and super important for everyone.
  • Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence was a document approved by the Continental Congress that determined The United States freedom from Great Britain. Also, it emphased the colonies were now states and had their own rights to make laws, alliances and to control trade and government power. The document was written by Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin and others and it was signed in Philadelphia,US. This event is the reason why there is a holiday in fourth of july, to celebrate freedom.
  • Valley Forge

    Valley Forge was the place when the six month encampment of George Washington Army happened during December 1777 and June 1778. It represents a turning point in the American revolution war since the fact that it made the Continental army come back even stroger. The acampment had really hard, cold and harsh weather conditions and at the same time there was no enough supplies which fact transformed a battered Continental Army into a unified world class fighting force capable of beating the British
  • Vermont banned slavery

    In 1777, after the war began freedom or emacipation from eslavement was a major issue. So, based on that Vermont was the first colony to banned slavery which helped to spred some abolition movements between the states. Also, everything that happened during the American Revolution encourage the slaves to build their own distinct culture and to come up with new ideas of equality and liberty.
  • Articles of Confederation

    The Congress decided that the colonies needed to be united by some type of central government so they established a weak central one named Articles of Confederation. The Congress that was represented by every state could start wars, raise armies and sign treaties. However, they could not impose taxes or regulate trade. The colonists did not like this government because they did not wanted to risk their independence with a government that might become tyrannical.
  • On the Equality of the Sexes- Essay

    This essay was written by Judith Sargent Murray after observing some changes when a lot of women participate in the American war. The document ague that women and men could be equally inteligent but it was necessary to expand girls` education. In that period of time, a lot of schools for girls were founded which incresed the number of women who could read. Also,the essay represents that after the revolution women started to think about their rights so they stated to have more access to education
  • The Battle of Kings Mountain

    The Battle of Kings Mountain happened in South Carolina during the American Revolution. This Battle was a turning point in the revolution since the fact that the americans were furious with british treament, so they created their own forces. With the right strategies, the americans won which devastated the loyalist in the South. Also, it was one the setbacks that devastated the Britain in the end.
  • The Treaty of Paris

    The Treaty of Paris was the final settlement which determined that The United States was a new nation now recongnized by England. Great Britain also reconized the end of th war and the end of American Revolution. Also, it determined that Florida was now for Spain and France also received some lands in Africa and Caribbean.
  • Shay`s rebellion

    The rebellion happened in Massachusets and started when the government decided to increase taxes on issuing paper money to pay their debts. Most farmers were affected by it and some of them lost their farms because they could not pay the taxes.Farmers close down several courts to prevent foreclosures and then marched to the supreme court. Also, Shay forced men to attack an arsenal. Four farmers died and the rest was repulsed. This rebellion began thearguments for a stroger national government.
  • The Constitutional Convention

    The Constitutional Convention was a discussion between all states about trade and taxation problems. The delegates wanted to crate a stroger national government that could represent small and big states. Also, they belived that due to the political and economic problems that the US was facing, the new nation would not survive without a central government, so the Articles of Confederation needed to be replaced or revised. The delegates wanted to balance rights so they meet in Philadelphia.
  • Bill of Rights

    The English Bill of Rights were the first ten amendments to the Constitution. These ten wanted to protect people and guarantee that they had basic rights, like freedom of speech, right and to be trial by a jury. Also, it established the relationship between people in the US and the government. After that, some more amendments like abolish slavery, authorize an income tax and the right of voting were add
  • Proclamation of Neutrality

    The Proclamation of Neutrality was a official annoucement of the United States government toward the conflicts between France and Britain in which the US agreed to stay neutral. It threatened legal proceedings against any American providing assistence. This proclamation proved that the US had some isolationist times, in that event the naton was not prepared for another war and it was also time for them to focus on its own national identity.
  • Election of 1800

    The election of 1800 was a uphill battle and an turning point in American history because it showed that with elections the power in the US could be peacefully transfered. In this event, the federalists control the army, presidency and congress but they refused to step down the Constitution. The republicans had intented for one elector refrain from voting for Burr but they had some aumount of votes so the House had to choose. Also, Bayard cast a blank ballot so Jefferson could be president.
  • 1st Barbary war

    The firsrt barbary war was a conflict between the US and tripole incited by american refusal to continue payment of tribute to the pirate rulers. In this event, the United States was affected in a favorable way by the war and the country also had an exchange for immunity and contact with European nations.
  • Louisiana purchase

    The Louisiana Purchase was a deal that doubled the size of The United States and gave the nation control of the entire Mississipi River. In this event, Napoleon offered to sell Louisiana to the US and the country ended up buying from France. Also, they agreed to take on French debts owned to American citizens. This puchase also happened because Jefferson belived the republic could only survive if most of people owned land and had control, so that is why he wanted to expand farther west.
  • Essex Junto

    The Essex Junto was a group of federalists that draft a plan to take New England out of the Union. During the campaing for governor for New York, Burr challenged Hamilton to duel. Hamilton refused to fire so Burr shot and killed his foe. In this even, Burr was accused of plotting to create his own country in wester US. He was charged with treason but acquitted.
  • Lewis and Clark Expedition

    The Lewis and Clark Expedition was a expedition into Louisiana to Missouri and find a route to the Pacific Ocean. They found a path through the Rocky Mountains and traced the Columbia river to the Pacific Ocean. This expedition gave The United States aclaim to the Oregon territory along the coast and that is why it is important
  • Pike expedition

    The Pike Expedition happened when Pike decided to explore the Louisiana purchase. He mapped the upper Mississipi and went to find headwaters of Arkansas River. Also, Pike travelled to Colorado and across Mexico, now Texas, and mapped Rio Grande. This event was important because it provided to Americans detailed descriptions of the Great Plains and the Rocky Mountains.
  • Embargo of 1807

    The Embargo of 1807 was when Jefferson decided to close American waters to British warships and soon increase military and naval expeditions. It wanted to forbade all exports from the US to any country so it had one of the biggest economic impacts. The action of closing American waters was to avoid war.
  • War of 1812

    The War of 1812 was the second major clash between the US and Britain that did not end with a clear victory.This conflict gave americans a strong sense of national pride. In the beggining it forbate trade between France and Britain while authorizing the president to reopen trade with agreements.The refusal of the US to buy goods from Britain worked and hurted Britain economy.However, when Britain decided to end all restrictions on America trade it was too late and they had already declared war.
  • Monroe Doutrine

    The Monroe Doutrine was a conerstone of US foreign policy enunciated by the President James Monroe that declared that the old and new world had different systems but the United States would not interfere in the internal affairs of the wars between European powers. It also intended to defend newly developed nations independent of the entire American continent from possible recolonization and to guarantee the non-interference of European countries in American countries.
  • Jackson inaugurated

    In 1829, Andrew Jackson became the new president of the United States.Jackson was the first non-elite man to hold the position and his inauguration became part of the american folkore since a lot of people watched.Despite having notoriety and followers, he left a mis-seen legacy as soon as his passage through the White House was troubled and marked by expansionist policies for the preservation of the National Union and its effort to remove native American Indians from the country's territory.
  • Trail of Tears

    The Trail of Tears happened between 1830 and 1840 in the United States when Jackson was the president. It represents the trips of forced relocation and migration, imposed by the Government of the United States of America to the various tribes of Indians. The natives were forced to move from their lands to Oklahoma so the government (white people) could have more lands and automatically more power and control. In long term effects, it led to a lot of deaths and the natives losing their traditions
  • Jackson opposes Second Bank of the United States

    This is an important event for jackson`s legacy and It was one of the most definitive acts of his presidency because it guaranteed his re-election later. The reasons why he vetoed the bank bill included more than constitution things but also political. Jackson`s democracy ended up defined by the fact that rejecting the second bank made him seems like celebrating the role of the small farmer, worker, average craftspace which became significant.
  • Jackson wins reelection

    In the 1832 presidential election, Democrat Jackson got more than 56% of the popular vote and nearly five times as many electoral votes as his Whig opponent, Henry Clay. Jackson`s victory was due to the fact that he accused the Bank of undue economic privilege and so his views won the approval of the American electorate. This election represents the use of national nominating committees and the entrance of third parties onto the national scene.
  • The Wilmot Proviso

    The Wilmot Proviso was an additional war appropriations bill proposed by a democrat that defined that in any land, territory, gained by the US from Mexico neither slavery nor involuntary servitude shall ever exist. Although the South was against it because they believe that slavery would be threaten everywhere, in the end the Congress had no right to ban slavery but a civil war could erupt if the North failed to heed the Southern concerns.
  • Compromise of 1850

    This compromise was created in order to ease the tensions over slavery. Although Calhoun, Webster and Clay were not participating anymore, Douglas divided the comrpomise into smaler bills which allowed the sections to vote. The Congress passed the parts of the original proporsal as clay envisioned it and the president signed them into law. It was important because determined that California was a free state and banned slave trade in Washington, determing status of slavery in New Mexico and Utah
  • Clay's Proposal

    Clay's Proposal triggered a massive debate but he was one of the leaders of the senate tried to find a way to let California join the Union and he promoted solutions to solve the crisis. Clay's solutions included 1) free state and mexican cession without restrictions on slavery, 2) new border and compensated texas by having the fedral goverment to take its debts and 3) the congress would not interfere in slave trade. He became a leading voice on the Senate because of trying to avoid civil war
  • Fugitive Slave Act

    The Fugitive Slave Act hurted the Southern related to hostility toward slavery but Northers were indiferent. It made the African American was accused and he had no rights to testify so the citizens that refused to cooraporate would be in jail. Those acts were considered 1864 for judging runaway slaves and it painted a emotional view of African Americans fleeing kidnappers because of the federal commissioner and rule for slave holder.
  • Lincoln's elections

    Lincoln's elections happened during a national crisis that eventually led to civil war. Licoln was the 16th president of The United States and h had no chance to be elected by otes from the South so he sweep th North. It ended up being a political fight between democrats and republicans in which there was no Southern's support so the abolitionts won. The campaign was also related to discussions about slavery, railroads and tariffs. The election represented the survival of Sothern society.
  • Confederacy

    The Confederacy happened in Montgomery, Alabama and it was a peace conference met with delegates from seceding states. They drafted a constitution based largely in the US constitution but with some changes such as baning the import of slaves, each state would be independent, it banned tariffs, the presidency would last 6 years and it would guarantee slavery in the Confederance territory.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    The Emancipation Proclamation was an edict issue that freed enslaved people of the Conferate states in rebellion against the Union leadered by President Lincoln. This document only freed African American in states that were in war with the Union. It also turned it up to be about a war of liberation.
  • Homestead Act

    The homestead act was implied by Lincoln and it was one of the most important legislations in the US.The new law required three steps: file an application, improve the land, and file for deed of title.It happened when the government decided that a 10-dollar fee would be to attract of public land available for settlement.More settlers moved to the Plains with their property rights and the hard weather conditions but homesteads persisted and learned how to live in the difficult environment
  • sand creek massacre

    The sand creek massacre happened when there were tensions for silver and gold between miners and natures. The battles and attacks happen until the governor ordered the to surrender where there would be food and protection otherwise there would be attacks. In 1864 there was a negociate a peace deal but Cheyenne ordered a attack even with settlers, women and childre. There was no peace and the end was unclear but many people think it was a unjustifiable crime and the truth is still a debate.
  • Lincoln's Assassaination

    Lincol's Assassination was a shock to the nation. His last speech talked aout a plan to restore the Southern states to the Union and he wanted to include African Americans in the government. His advisors said that he should not go in public but he did and people shot him in the head during aplay that he was watching with his wife. Lincoln had become the Union's greastest champion and his body was transpoted to Illinois for the burial.
  • Dawes Act

    The Dawes Act was destructive to Native Americans’ sovereignty since it determined that 160 acres were for farming, 80 for adults and40 were allotted for children. The rest of the areas would be sold to settlers with proceeds going into for Native Americans. However, this plan failed to achieve its goals and some natives many Natives ended up adopting American settlers' lifestyles. The act also would give citizenship for nature who stayed on their allotments for 25 years.
  • nationalism

    Nationalism is a term created in late 1800s/ early 1900s that signify the idea of a feeling of intense pride in one's homeland which is usually a nation/ country. Nationalism is also used by people to promote their homeland's culture and interests above those of other countries. It is the right of self determination, people who share a national identity should have their own country and government. It is also love for the nation and the others who share the same ideas.
  • zimmerman telegram

    the zimmerman telegram was a note from Germany that offered to and Japa to become Allies in case The united states decided to go to war against their nation. The German did not believe that the Americans could raise an army and transport it to Europe so they sank all American ships. The message was also intercepted by the British and passed on to the United States. The publication of the note contributed to the US entry into the world war 1 since president Wilson declared war after the note
  • Civil Liberties Curtailed

    During the World War I, the United States government passed a legislation to limit opposition to the war and fight espionage. The Espionage Act was determined that it was illegal to aid the enemy and give false reports on interfere with the war effort.The Sedition Act determined that it was illegal to speak against the war publicly. The Supreme Court departed from a strict literal interpretation of the Constitution and th government could restrict speech whe the words constitute a present danger
  • Tulsa Race Massacre

    This event started when a black man was wrongfully accused of raping a white woman in a elevator. It ended up spreading a conflict between African American and white people that destroyed black owned houses and stores as well as killing many lives. Although this event was only recognize recently, it is significant because it shows that the US government never helped those people to recover from it, poverty is still a sign of this situation and not being well- talked spred racial segregation
  • dust bowl

    This event happened in the Great Plains with the influence of the agricultural expansion together with new technologies that destroyed the environment. When the system expanded the grass was destroyed and the soil could not stick together with rocks, the drought came and the wind spread the dust over towns that were destroyed as well as lives. This event is signifiant because it affected lives and towns, showing the differents sides of technological advances and its effects in the environment
  • The emergency relief act

    It was one of the first acts of the administration and it was designed to repair the nation's crumbling the bank system. It allow the reopening of individual banks as soon as examiners found them to be financially secure and exapanded presidential authority to deal with a banking crisis. It also succeeded in restoring th confidence of Main and Wall street so stabilizing the monetary and credit system was essential for the recovery from the great depression.
  • new deal

    It was economic and social solutions created by president Roosevelt to try to solve the great depression. In order to try to restore the economy of the US, the new deal promoted public works, social benefits such as minimum wage and unemployment insurance, and intervened in the economy to prevent falling prices and control production. It was significant because it established a federal responsability of the government and restored faith in American democracy
  • Neutrality Act of 1939

    The Neutrality Act was created in 1935 but it was revised in 1939 in order to warred the nations that they could buy weapons from the US only on a "cash-and-carry" basis. So, it helped to govern the sale of nonmilitary items to countries that were in war. However, U.S. vessels were also excluded from combat zones, and the citizens were forbidden from sailing on belligerent vessels.
  • American First Comittee

    The American First Committee was a political influential isolationist group opposed to any American Intervention or aid to their allies during the World War II. It was also opposed to armed intervention because it feared direct American military intervention in the conflict. The committee also claimed a membership of 800,000 and attracted such leaders.
  • The Lend- Lease Act

    It allowed the US to lend on lease arms to any country considered vital for its own defense. The British government had to promise to return or pay back after war because the us gave more than 40 billion in weapons, vehicles and war supplies. While this was happening the unholy alliance (germany, japan, italy) were trying to conquer the world. It represented that the US finally start to intervent in the war getting out of its isolationism.
  • Japan attacks Pearl Harbor

    it was a turning point to the world war II because it broght the United States to the war and it also marked the end of the US isolationism. Before the attack, american intelligence had decoded Japanese communications that made it clear that Japan was preparing to go to war against the US. Japan's surprise attack on December sank on damaged eight battleships, three cruisers, four destroyers and sit vessels. After the attack Roosevelt declared that the country faced the most serious crisis.
  • Atlantic Charter

    It was a meeting between Roosevelt and Churchill in which they agreed on a postwar world democracy, nonagression, free trade, economic advancement and freedom of seas. Through time 15 anti- Axis nations also signede the agreement. However, a German submarine fired on an American destroyer that had been radioing the U-boat's position to British. The hostilies were targeting two American destroyers and then Germany and the US continued a tense standoff.
  • Declaration by the United Nations

    It was a joint declaration between 26 countries, including the United States that aimed to preserve human rights, justice, liberty, independence and religious freedom in order to have complete victory against the enemies and then subjugate the world. The nations declared that each government pledges itself to employ its full resources, military and economic, against those members of the Tripartite Pact and they had to cooperate with the other government and not make peace with the enemies.
  • Double V

    It was a campaign from an African American newspaper that urged African American to support the war to achieve a double victory over both Hitler’s racism abroad and racism at home. It is significant because it shows that African American were trying to build plans for a better society after the war and encourage war effort, combining patriotism and protests.
  • Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    The U.S. dropped two nuclear bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the only such strikes ever carried out against human targets to date. Two Japanese cities were destroyed by atomic bombs during the second world war II. It killed a lot of people and it was a really significant event during the 20th century.
  • Civil Rights

    The law was passed by President Johnson and outlawed dicrimination by color, race, nationality, religion or sex. It determined that the attorney general must bring lawsuits to schools that were practicing segregation and discouraged job discrimination through the creation of the equal employment opportunity comission. It was important because it made progress on racial equality.
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act

    The Elementary and Secondary Education Act determined that the federal government would help local schools district whose students come from low income families. The president believed that education would fix the poverty issue as well as make the future lives of young kids better. This event was important because it established better conditions for kids to have a higher eduation level.
  • Social Security Act

    This act created medicare and medicaid, health insurance programs for low-income families and elderly individuals. Everyone would have easier access to health insurance without having to work their whole lives and raise loans. This program was significant to the nation since in the long way citizens could enjoy of their dignity and rights of living longer and having access to care illness.
  • Public Broadcasting Act

    The Public Broadcasting Act detemined that financial aid would be provided to assist non comercial television and rado broadcasting including pbs and npr. It was important because it found a lot of art programs as well as it created f the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities, which is one of the largest arts and culture funders in the United States
  • Cuyahoga River Fire

    The river burst into flames and became heavily polluted due to the growth of industry and all chemical waste and oil dumped into the waterway. It was a result of the years of industrial pollution and neglect that contaminated the waterway with oil, chemicals and other pollutants. It was significant because it was a defining moment in the US environmental movement because society saw the real damages of the heavy industry in front of them. The incident also led to the creation of the EPA
  • clear air act

    This act created by the Congress established that the EPA could set different standards related to air quality, auto emission and anti-pollution that over time would lead to the production of the catalytic converter. It was important because it encouraged the reduction of the presence of lead, sulfur dioxide and other harmful pollutants in the air. It works to clean the air and establish health based air quality standards for the close future.
  • Three Mile island

    This event was Nuclear disaster that happened because of the country's reliance on fossil fuels and nuclear power as sources of energy, a partial meltdown of the reactor core happened. It released radioactive gasses and other materials into the atmosphere, contaminating the surrounding area. It led to a heightened awareness of the potential risks associated with nuclear power. It also inspired activists to push for greater transparency accountability in the nuclear industry.
  • nuclear waste policy act

    This act was signed by President Reagan in order to establish procedures to evaluate and select sites for geologic repositories, also encouraging interaction between state and federal governments. It was important because it responds to environmental issues in a way that it allow the safe storage and
    disposal of radioactive waste. It also encourages the development of more programs and policies to control air pollution and radiation exposure.
  • First Gulf War

    The Persian Gulf War was a military conflict fought between Iraq and a coalition of 35 other nations led by the Uied States against the invasion in Kuwait. The liberation of it ended up happening because of air strikes and ground combat. This event is important because of its consequences that include establishing no-fly zones over Iraq, imposing of economic sanctions, and the beginning of a new era of American military intervention in the Middle East.
  • LA Riots

    This event was placed in Los Angeles and it included a series of riots following the acquittal of police officers involved in the beating of Rodney King, an African American man. They resulted in the deaths of 63 people and caused a lot of property damage. It highlighted racial tensions in the United States but it was important because it sparked a national conversation about police brutality as well as treatment of African American by law enforcement.
  • 1993 World Trade Center bombing

    1993 World Trade Center bombing was a terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in New York City. The group destroyed a truck bomb in the underground parking garage. The bomb killed 6 people and injured over 1000 others. It ended up being a wake call for law
    enforcement and intelligence agencies, who had not considered the chance of a terrorist attack on U.S. soil. It is significant because this event would later led to the larger terrorist attack in 2001.
  • September 11th Attacks

    The attack to the World Trade Center in 2001 was a series of terrorist actions coming from a Islamic extremist group al-Qaeda.The attack happened against four airplanes that crash into the Twin Towers and the Pentagon in NY city and Washington, respectivily, and ended up killing 3000 people as well as it cause significant damage in those cities. This event is important because it led to significant changes in the American National security policy and militaries operations in Iraq and Afghanistan